Learn more about the Federal Revenue Car Auction

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If you want to find your first vehicle or change your used one, know that you can find another car for extremely low prices and in excellent condition.

We are talking about the Federal Revenue Auction vehicles. Stay with us and learn more about this auction, how to participate and how to know if it's trustworthy. Check out.

Santander Car Auction:

Federal Revenue Car Auction

Practically every year, the Federal Revenue auctions cars, motorcycles and other objects. Here we will only talk about cars.


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The Federal Revenue Car Auction consists of cars coming from seizures, in accidents or used by government bodies.

The cars coming from apprehensions are, for the most part, retained in blitz due to some irregularity of the vehicle or lack of driver's license, among other things. These cars are then kept in a courtyard.

The owner, in order to buy it back, must regularize all the documentation and pay for the days the car was in the yard. Many people cannot afford all the expenses, so they leave the car in the yard.


Keeping the car in the yard, for the IRS, has a cost. So, the cars that are left, the IRS auctions off, covering the costs and raising money for the agency.

Cars involved in accidents and that have some irregularity are also sent to the yard, but the good parts for sale are removed from these or sold as scrap.

The cars that come from public bodies are swapped vehicles by new fleet that occurs periodically.

Advantages of buying at the Federal Revenue Auction


Check out some of benefits in purchasing your car at the Federal Revenue auction:


Prices are, without a doubt, one of the greatest attractions and advantages of the Federal Revenue Auction. That's because the cars are auctioned way below the Fipe table, falling down to 50%.


At the Federal Revenue Auction, the consumer can find a great variety of vehicles, of the most varied models, ranging from popular to luxury cars, and a variety of conservation states.


Cars auctioned by the Federal Revenue undergo a rigorous inspection, having their mechanical injuries repaired, in addition to, in the case of fleet vehicles, being in excellent condition, seen at periodical surveys that government cars pass by. Thus, all vehicles auctioned by the Revenue are in excellent condition.

Another security is in the purchase, because it is a government agency, you are sure that it is a serious auction, that follows all the rules and operates within the laws.


Payment for the purchase of a car at auction

Payment for most auctions is made in cash, not being different in that of the Federal Revenue Service. In addition, after auctioning the car at the Revenue auction, the bidder has a deadline to make the payment, under penalty of traffic ticket stipulated in the notice.

Due to the reduced prices of vehicles, it is much more possible for the population to be able to pay in cash, bringing the advantage of not getting into debt, paying off the vehicle at once.

Where and how to participate in the auction?

Federal Revenue Auctions are carried out in the modalities online and in person, often simultaneously. More information about time, place and date are always disclosed in the auction announcement, which must be read in full.

In the announcement, you can find the information already mentioned, in addition to deadlines and fines, documentation and relevant information about each vehicle.

To find out more and find the announcement, access the Federal Revenue websitel.

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