Participate in the DMV Car Auction

Published by Carolina on


The popular Detran Car Auctions take place every year and bring affordable prices to different types of consumers. Check out more about how to participate and the benefits.

Detran Auction

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The Detran Car Auction brings several vehicle opportunities, with a wide variety of brands and models, in addition to conservation conditions.

The Detran (State Department of Transit) puts vehicles seized for default by the previous owner at auction.


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When the vehicle is seized, the owner, in order to recover it, must regularize all the documentation and pay for the days the car was retained in the Detran yard. With the costs can be high, not everyone, perhaps most, takes the car out, so it stays there.

The Detran then holds an auction with all the cars left in the yard, thus covering its expenses for maintaining them and raising more funds for the public agency.

Another form of seizure

Cars can also be seized from accidents. At the time of rescue, if it is found that the vehicle involved in the accident has irregularities, it is seized.


In the auction, the good parts of the car are put up for sale, or it is sold as scrap, thus not being able to be used for circulation on public roads.

Going beyond seizures, auctioned cars can also come from public agencies, as well as the Federal Revenue Service itself. Vehicle fleets are frequently changed, usually when they reach 40,000 km, so the old vehicles go up for auction.

Advantage of participating in the Detran Car Auction

The main advantage of purchasing a car at the Detran Auction is the price. For all that was mentioned above, the cars end up getting even 50% cheaper than in the Fipe table.


In addition, the cars undergo a thorough inspection before being put up for auction, and are then repaired as much as possible.

Cars from public bodies already undergo regular inspections when they are in operation, then they are very well preserved.

Another great advantage is the immense variety of brands, models and states of conservation that consumers can find at a Detran auction. It is possible to find from popular cars to luxury cars at very affordable prices.

How to Participate in the Detran Car Auction

Detran auctions are held in the modality online or in person, and also simultaneously.

Interested parties must access the Detran website for their state and consult the auction announcement, where information on the time, place and date of the auctions is found, in addition to information on the payment, documentation and condition of auctioned vehicles.

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