Auction of Cars and Motorbikes Seized by the Detran. Check the list of upcoming Auctions.

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We know that acquiring a car or motorcycle through the Auction purchase modality is much more advantageous, especially if we are talking about the Detran Seized Cars and Motorcycles Auction. With different opportunities, auctions offer advantages mainly when we talk about value.

The Detran periodically holds auctions of cars and motorcycles seized by the PM (Military Police). A good deal, when we talk about cars and motorcycles in good condition.


Let's talk more about Detran and the auctions it always promotes. Continue reading to find out more!

About the DMV

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The Detran (State Traffic Department) is part of the SNT (National Traffic System) and is responsible for all traffic activities established by the CTB (Brazilian Traffic Code) and its own regulations.


It is the responsibility of the Detran to carry out traffic education, as well as to plan, execute, coordinate and control all actions related to driver qualification, documentation and services for vehicles.

In addition, the Detran performs traffic statistics and also manages the assessment and the collection of fines.

The objective of Detran is to carry out all these activities with extreme quality, efficiency and transparency, contributing to the defense of the lives of the entire population.

 Detran Vehicle Auction


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Before the vehicle is released for auction, the owner of the same is notified and has a deadline to recover the good. Notification is carried out through a public notice published in the Official State Gazette, on the Detran portal. If the legal deadline passes and there is no manifestation from the owner, the vehicle is sent to auction.

The Detran is responsible only for cars and motorcycles repossessed by the Military Police, in an urban environment, for infractions within the competence of the State to supervise and intervene. Among them: cracks, dangerous maneuvers, lack of car or motorcycle licensing, vehicle without license plate or with an illegible license plate.

Cars and motorcycles repossessed for parking illegally, for example, are the responsibility of city halls. Those recovered on highways are the responsibility of bodies operating on highways, such as the DER (Department of Highways) and the PRF (Federal Highway Police).

Cars and motorcycles removed for involvement in crimes are entirely under the responsibility of the SSP (Secretary of Public Security). And finally, those who have pending lawsuits are the responsibility of the Judiciary.


Who can participate in the DMV Auction

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Individuals and persons of legal age can participate in the Detran Auction. These can only acquire vehicles with the right to documentation, and not those considered scrap.

Payment must be made in cash only. After the auction, the debts are written off and it is necessary for the buyer to transfer the car or motorcycle to his name, issuing a new documentation for the vehicle.

About vehicle debt

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The amounts collected at auction are used to pay fines for these motorcycles and cars, taxes and other expenses.

If the sale value is greater than the existing debts, the excess amount will be returned to the former owner. Otherwise, if the sale value is not enough, the remaining debt will be removed from the license plate of the car or motorcycle and charged to the former owner through the active debt register.


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