Car Financing

Published by m2noticias on


Nowadays it's much easier finance a vehicle because the banks have special conditions for you.

The simulation of your financing can be done through the Internet without the need to go to a bank branch or even a financial institution that carries out this type of financing.

What are the advantages of financing a car here?

  • Value: The amount to be financed can be up to 100% of the value of the chosen vehicle
  • Term: The term for payment in this case is up to 60 months from the payment of the first installment
  • Flexibility: The first installment can be paid within 180 days, debited from a current account. And the most interesting thing, you can choose one or two installments per year so you don't have to pay the installment.
  • Practicality: the contract value goes directly to the seller's account.
  • Convenience: If you already have some financing, you can refinance the car and still add it to the outstanding balance.

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Most people who want to finance a vehicle often do not have a down payment. In this case you canfinance all chosen vehicle without having to give an initial value as input.

How vehicle financing is made easy within 60 months, interested customers can still pay the first installment of their financing 6 months after hiring, this helps a lot for people to program themselves to start paying and acquire their car well before they start paying.

As one of the benefits the customer can choose 1 or 2 months of the year for non-payment of the installment, this makes it much easier in the months when IPVA and insurance are charged and where most people choose these months to pay off these debts.


The vehicles to be financed can be used or new and it is easy to do everything through the bank's App, simulate all the conditions and choose the financing that best fits the budget.




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