Learn more about the DMV Vehicle Auction

Published by Carolina on


Auctions are increasingly gaining popularity among Brazilians, because many are discovering the affordable prices and great conditions of vehicles in some auctions.

One of the auctions that offer vehicles in good condition and still cheaper, is the DMV. The Detran auction usually takes place every year, with defined dates.

Know more about DMV Vehicle Auction.


Detran Auction

When participating in a DMV auction, consumers may be surprised by the low prices. To better understand why prices are so low Fipe table, read below.

See too:

The vehicles auctioned at the DMV are seized in blitz, mostly due to some irregularity of the vehicle or lack of the driver's license.

Cars and motorcycles can also come from accidents or be vehicles used by government bodies which periodically change their fleet.


Vehicles that are seized go to the yard and wait for the owner to regularize everything and pay for the days in the yard to then remove them. Not everyone can afford these expenses, and vehicles are abandoned in the yard.

The DMV, to cover expenses and raise funds, auctions the cars that were left. Thus, prices drop a lot, they even cost up to 50% less than on the market.

How to bid at the DMV Auction

Detran auctions operate conventionally, so whoever makes the highest bid gets to take the vehicle. Bids usually have an initial value of R$ 800.00 (eight hundred reais).


To participate in a Detran auction, the consumer must access the Your state's DMV website and check the auction notices.

Us edicts, which must be read in full before participating in the auction, contains information on the dates and times of the auctions, locations, information on each vehicle and its documentation, as well as its condition. There are still legal conditions that must be read to avoid fines.

Detran auctions take place in person and online, and may occur in both modalities simultaneously.

Check out the most found vehicles at DMV Auctions

Below, we list some of the most found vehicles at the Detran auction, and their respective prices. Have the table to get an idea, but be aware that prices and models can change. Check it out below:


  • Volkswagen Gol CL 1.8 MI 1997/1997 – starting bid R$ 2500.00;
  • Ford Versailles GL 1993/1994 – starting bid R$ 2,100.00;
  • Fiat Siena Fire Flex 2008/2009 – starting bid R$ 7,500.00;
  • Volkswagen Gol 1.0 2004/2005 – initial bid R$ 3,600.00;
  • Volkswagen Saveiro 1.6 2001/2002 – initial bid R$ 3,700.00;


  • Suzuki En 125 Yes 2008/200 – starting bid R$ 800.00;
  • Yamaha XTZ 125E 2006/2006 – starting bid R$ 800.00;
  • Honda CB 300R 2011/2011 – starting bid R$ 2,100.00;
  • Honda CG 150 Sport 2005/2005 – starting bid R$ 1,100.00;
  • Honda Biz 125 ES 2005/2006 – starting bid R$ 900.00;
  • Suzuki EN 125 Yes 2008/2009 – starting bid R$ 900.00;
  • Yamaha YBR 125E 2007/2008 – starting bid R$ 1000.00;
  • Honda CBX 250 Twister 2003/2003 – starting bid R$ 1000.00;
  • Honda CG Titan KS 2002/2022 – starting bid R$ 900.00;
  • Suzuki EN 125 YES 2006/2007 – starting bid R$ 900.00;
  • Yamaha Fazer YS250 2011/2012 – starting bid R$ 2,100.00;
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