Embraer agrees wage reduction and temporary suspension of contracts

Published by Redator on


According to Embraer, despite still not having anything concrete for employees in São José, most of the 16,000 employees agreed with the terms.

Last Friday (10) Embraer informed that the majority of its workers in the country accepted the proposals for salary reduction and temporary suspension of contracts. The measures, adopted for this moment of economic crisis caused by the new coronavirus, begin to mean from Monday (13).

According to the aircraft company, which has about 16,000 employees, the terms offered were accepted by the Union of Engineers of SP, Sindiaeroespacial and Union of Metallurgists of Botucatu. All together they represent workers from São Paulo, Campinas, São José, Sorocaba, Gavião Peixoto and Taubaté.


But, for the employees of the São José dos Campos Metallurgist Union, 35% of the company's total workers in Brazil, nothing is defined.


The eventuality of the category having the right to vote on the proposal is being negotiated.

The forecast for this event at Embraer is a reduction in working hours and a salary reduction in the three-month phase for people who work remotely. These professionals will be entitled to assistance from the federal government of up to R$ 453 and guaranteed employment for the period provided for in the agreement.


Those who enter into the temporary suspension of the employment contract (layoff) for two months will be guaranteed balance in that same phase. With salary reduction of 25%. And those who continue to work at the factory will not have their shift or salary changed.

removal measures

Since the end of March, Embraer has adopted shrinking measures for most of the company's professionals. Essential operations were maintained, and most employees either went on collective vacation or remote work.

Trading in San Jose

Still without any agreement, Embraer and the Metalworkers Union of São José are negotiating a proposal. “There are items that we do not agree with the company's proposal. Most of the workers are represented by us. Therefore, we are going to another meeting next week”, said the Embraer union leader, Herbert Claros.


When, after all, it is not taken to vote without any proposal from Embraer, employees were instructed to work from home office. Those that the function does not allow, continued on collective vacations until new decisions are taken.

As of Monday, the measures begin to apply to workers who accept conciliation. The duration will be 60 to 90 days. And employment guarantee for the period corresponding to the time they are in the reduction of working hours and salary or suspension of the contract.

Employees who are carrying out essential activities and face-to-face employment continue without any contractual tampering.

Categories: Economy


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