What is the best app to track a cell phone for free?

Published by Carolina on


In today's article, we will talk about them best apps to track a mobile phone, and the best ones, totally free, being very easy to use. Check the continuation.

tracking technology

Technology, with its advances, helps a lot in everyday life, improving and facilitating tasks, and providing novelties that were not possible before.

El follow someoneBefore, it was just a matter of the police and the authorities, an ordinary civilian was generally not able to carry out the task due to the limitation of technology.


See Also:

Today, any person with a mobile phone can track another device, whether it be another mobile phone, a tablet, a computer, a watch and other devices that have access to the Internet.

With the technology also han llegado los robots and hurtos, así como the loss of the device. Así, the tracking applications can help to recover the mobile phone or the lost device.

tracking applications

Several companies develop applications capable of track any device connected to the network, providing many options, but also trayendo the question of which would be better, which satisfies the needs.


In view of it, we have separated the tracking applications to facilitate your search for a good application. See more below:


The Glympse application is very well known and is well positioned in the application stores. Allows the user to find another device instantly, also providing it location history.

The app also allows you to create a group with family members or trusted people, so that the user can share their location in risk and emergency situations.


Lo mejor es que las personas añadidas al grupo de emergency no need to have the application installed on your phone, you can access the shared location through your own browser.

The Glympse application is available for download on systems android It is iOS.

Find My Kids

The Find My Kids application is more aimed at parents who want to have greater control over where their children are, in order to maintain their security.

The application provides a tracking of the location in real time, being very simple and intuitive to use.

Among the features of the Find My Kids application are:

  • GPS tracking in real time;
  • Notification alert when the child arrives at home or somewhere predefined by the parents, such as the school;
  • Possibility to control the charge of the battery of the child device;
  • Chat via the app's chat, called Pingo!
  • Tiene un botón de SOS;
  • Alert signal if the child does not respond;
  • Possibility to track more than one device through the app.

For the device to work, it is necessary to install it on the mobile phone of the priests and on the child, and activate the GPS location.

in case of danger, it is also possible to access the microphone and listen to what is said, very useful in dangerous situations.

There parental control application Find My Kids can be downloaded on systems android It is iOS.

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