Check out the list of the 12 strangest things sold on the internet

Published by mari on


Nowadays we can find a lot of crazy things on the internet, as shown in our article with the 8 things you can do for free but that are worth a lot of money on the internet, but we can also find some things that we would never imagine seeing on the internet. Have you ever heard of women selling their used panties on the internet? Yeah, things like that are sold on the internet, and sometimes we don't even notice.

Bearing in mind that little is known about the oddities that are sold on the internet, we decided to bring you some of these things, ranging from cities, famous pregnancy tests and even a forehead to advertise. So, dear readers, check out our article with the 12 strangest things that have ever been sold on the internet:

1 – A glass that Elvis Presley supposedly drank



In December 2004, an amount of water that was left in a glass that Elvis Presley drank was sold for US $ 455. The small amount of water was delivered in a plastic cup that Presley allegedly drank at a concert in North Carolina , in 1977, is it really?

2 – Advertising space on a man’s forehead


Web developer Andrew Ficher has decided to auction off his forehead as an advertising space for a temporary tattoo. Fisher's forehead was purchased in 2005 by a company called SnoreStop for $37,375.

3 – Meaning of life


In February 2000, an unknown North Carolina man held a meaning of life auction. It read as follows: "I have discovered the reason for existence, and I will be happy to share this information with the highest bidder." He managed to sell the meaning of life for just $$ 3.26.

4 – Indian pig armor

A suit of armor was made for a guinea pig and became a hit on eBay in 2013. The first bid was $24,000, but the original bidder backed out and the item was re-listed on eBay. The final bid came to US $ 1,150.00, and according to the product description, the proceeds went to the Metropolitan Guinea Pig Guard, a non-profit organization dedicated to rescues, rehabilitations and finding new homes for guinea pigs.


5 – Right to name a baby

In August 2009, an unemployed mother from the state of Arkansas, USA, decided to auction off the legal rights to name her unborn child. The "item" eventually sold for $6,800, but the winning bidder told the woman he just wanted to help her and had no intention of naming her child.

6 – Britney Spears Pregnancy Test

Ottawa radio station Hot 89.9 auctioned off a positive pregnancy test that allegedly belonged to Britney Spears, and it sold for $5,000 in 2005. The test was found in the wastebasket of a Hotel in Los Angeles, where she would have stayed with ex-husband Kevin Federline.

7 – They tried to sell New Zealand

But what do you mean someone tried to sell New Zealand? Well, in May 2006, a man from Brisbane, Australia, tried to sell New Zealand on eBay at a very affordable price, for a measly $0.01. The price rose to $3,000, but eBay ended up closing the auction.

8 - Casey Anthony's Halloween Mask (a woman accused of killing her two-year-old daughter)

In 2011, a Hallowen mask that was supposedly owned by Casey Anthony sold on eBay for a whopping $1 million. The mask has been described as "possibly the scariest mask on the planet".

9 – The town of Bridgeville

In 2002, the city of Bridgeville, California was sold for $$ 1.77 million in an internet auction. The new owner wanted to renovate the city, but as it would be too much work, he sold the city a few years later.

10 – A cheese sandwich with the image of the Virgin Mary

Believe it or not, a Miami, Florida woman managed to auction off a partially grilled cheese sandwich that was already 10 years old. What was so special about this sandwich was the image of the Virgin Mary on the bread. The sandwich sold for $28,000.

11 – A soccer team

In July 2009, Dornoch Capital Advsors put an English football team called Tranmere Rovers FC up for sale on eBay. However, as the sale was being made without the permission of club owner and chairman Peter Johnson, the sale was cancelled. But what up, would you buy a football team?

12 – Used panties

Our Japanese friends have a good amount of money flowing around the used panty trade, and the profit all goes to the young women who sell their dirty panties. For you to have an idea, in 1990 there were public vending machines for Japanese students who sold their used panties, today on some websites, these panties can still be found.


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