How to apply for BS2 credit card?

Published by m2noticias on


Learn how to apply for your BS2 credit card which has ZERO annual fee, no account maintenance fee and is 100% digital. Order yours now!

The BS2 credit card serves both individuals and companies, with specialized services for both audiences.

You are included in this opportunity! See how BS2 can be a great opportunity for you!


How do I apply for the BS2 card?

Simple and fast!

The process of applying for your credit card is very simple. Simply access the BS2 institution website or download the application available for cell phones on the AppStore (iPhone) or Google Play Store (Android) and fill in the form with the requested data with your data.

BS2 Card – Google Font


You will need to complete your information and will be asked to send some documents to confirm your identity. After that, you will have confirmation or not of your registration. Once that happens, the digital card will be available to you.

The physical card is sent to your home within 20 working days.

How is the BS2 Bank account?

If you are an individual and want to create a bank account, you do not need to pay any fees to do this. In addition, transfers will be unlimited and you can withdraw money at Rede24Horas branches.


Money deposits in the BS2 account can be made with a bank slip available. This account has several benefits and also provides a credit card with no annual fee.

Are there any costs for these services?

Not for you!

Not for natural persons, the BS2 bank does not charge absolutely nothing to make the accounts available to customers. Withdrawals are paid after a minimum limit because they occur on Rede24Horas, however, the other services are free. You can make free transfers to the bank or to different institutions and deposit your money with slips.

The credit card provided also has no fee. For legal entities, they may be charged to enjoy some other services, but it depends on the frequency of this use and which resources will be used.

How does the BS2 credit card work?

It's very practical!


So that you don't have to wait a maximum of 20 days for the physical card to arrive at your home, you will receive a digital card, which you can use however you want for online purchases. It is issued right after your approval in the BS2 institution. None of the available resources, physical or digital, have any cost.

You BS2 cards have several benefits. Among them, one of the most important, the fact that they can be used for withdrawals at any branch 24 hours a day and come with the Visa flag, is accepted in virtually all commercial establishments.

If you want to know how to apply for a BS2 credit card, with all these benefits explained so far and if interested,

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