How do I know if I have nail anemia?

Published by Carolina on


One of the easiest ways to discover the anemia, is through a blood test, which is also the most effective method, but anemia can be seen by the color of the mucous membranes and nails.

To be more helpful, you can, in addition to the blood test, resort to applications that help identify anemia.

With innovative technologies, it is currently possible to have almost 100% accuracy in anemia tests per application, which is a huge advance for the world's population.


Check out today, more about anemia, its symptoms and main causes, in addition to knowing an excellent app to identify anemia.

See too:

What causes anemia?

One of the most well-known forms of anemia is caused by a lack of vitamins and nutrients the body needs, such as vitamin B12 and iron. Thus, when hemoglobin is very low, anemia is recognized.

Another form of anemia is through dysfunction caused by birth defects in the bone marrow, where blood cells are produced. Other genetic defects and bleeding can also cause anemia.


It is always important that during the pregnancy, replace vitamins with medical supervision, so that the fetus develops correctly and the woman maintains her health.

In the world, it is accounted for an amount close to 2 billion people, has anemia, with a higher incidence in poorer countries.

What are the symptoms of anemia?

See below, the symptoms most seen in anemia:

  • Somnolence;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Tiredness;
  • Paleness (on the skin and mucous membranes);
  • Shortness of breathe;
  • Apathy;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Dizziness;
  • Palpitation.

Application to identify anemia


The application that we brought, is the anemocheck, an innovative app, developed by scientists at Emory University, located in the USA.

With the app, a person can check if they have anemia by taking a picture of their nail, through the app, and it will do an analysis of the color, returning with a positive or negative result for anemia.

This technology is of great importance to the world, as it can help many people to identify anemia and seek medical advice.

Is the Anemocheck app reliable?

The Anemocheck app has an accuracy in its results of only 10% less than blood tests, which shows its great capacity and technology.

Due to its great effectiveness and innovation, it was even mentioned in Natura magazine, where, through the presentation of research data carried out by scientists, the view regarding the app is quite optimistic.


With that, the poorest countries they will be able to have a better idea if they have anemia, being useful even for the local doctors to start a treatment, without having to spend so much money on laboratory tests, which can be expensive for a large population and in a remote location.

The app, unfortunately not yet available in Brazil, can be found for download on the system android.

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