Free Driver's License

Published by m2noticias on


A National Driver's License (CNH) It is an indispensable document for drivers, as it is through this document that it is possible to identify whether or not a person is able to drive a vehicle.

In addition, when the driver is stopped at a blitz, for example, if he has an expired CNH or without his CNH, he may run the risk of getting fines and even having his vehicle seized.


Although a driver's license is currently considered very expensive, many professions still require their professionals to obtain their CNH. And with that, the Department DMV every year it provides free places for people who want to obtain their driver's license for free, but who do not have an income or financial conditions.


Free Driver's License

So, check out right now how to get a CNH for free through the “project CNH Social” and get a free driving license.

Find out how to get your driving license for free

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What is CNH Social project?

O "CNH Social project”, approved by the Chamber of Deputies and by the Road and Transport Commission, has the main objective of providing a free driving license for drivers who belong to low-income families and who cannot afford to pay to obtain a license.

Who can be part of CNH Social?

O "Detran – State Traffic Department” every year vacancies are opened for citizens who are part of low income families may have the opportunity and the right to obtain a driver's license (CNH) at no cost through CNH Social. But for that you need to be part of some social program.

Citizens who are part of the social programs of the “Federal Government” or some other type of benefit, can participate in theSocial Habilitation Program - CNH”, in which students and adults who do not yet have a driver's license may be entitled to have their free driving license.


Members of low-income families who already have their enrollment in the Cadastro Único can also participate in the program.

But it is worth remembering that one of the main requirements for approving a vacancy to have a free driving license is to have a maximum income of two minimum wages, which nowadays is very common for Brazilians. In addition, people who receive some kind of government assistance, public school students and small farmers can also request a free CNH.

Make Free Driver's License

How to register to be entitled to a free CNH?

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To register on CNH Social Program and be entitled to get a free Driver's License, you need to keep an eye on the website of the DMV of your state and wait for the opening of the public notice with vacancies for qualification and be at least 18 to 25 years old.


In addition, when the announcement is available on the website, it is possible to access the Detran Department portal in your region and register for free in the tab called “CNH Social Enrollment”.

Then, just fill in the personal data and wait for the disclosure of the people who are approved for the program to participate.



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