Free driver's license

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The National Driver's License - CNH is one of the documents most requested by Brazilians and can be purchased for free if you are unable to pay for the entire process to obtain yours.

Brazil has the 8th driver's license most expensive in the world, where a survey was carried out by the British Zuto Car Finance, which collected data and driving test laws in all 193 countries in the world. According to research data, the cost to take CNH- Driver's License in Brazil it is on average in the range of R$ 1,500.

Due to the high cost of obtaining a Driver's License - CNH in the country, the release of the opportunity to free driving license was always expected. This is what happens right now, when you are registrations open for no less than 8 thousand free wallets.


3000 open positions

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O CNH Social program has been announced and your registrations have been opened. The aim of the project is to provide the neediest population with the opportunity to secure their CNH-driver's license free of charge, in addition to including the option to change category for those already qualified.

In total, 3,000 vacancies will be released. The announcement was made by the state government. Vacancies include student, rural and urban modalities, for people who wish to obtain their CNH and enroll.


Free National Driver's License

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The purpose of the program is to guarantee those selected the opportunity to obtain their National Driver's License (CNH). The available categories are A or B (car and motorcycle), as well as the inclusion of these for other drivers and also migration from category B to D.


Detran fees, such as theoretical and practical exams, the Vehicle Driving Learning License and the National Driver's License Registry (Renach), will not be charged to applicants.

The program also guarantees exemption from fees and amounts related to medical and psychological, toxicological (for professional categories) and medical examinations, if necessary, in the case of a candidate with a disability. In addition to these advantages, through partnerships with other fronts, the project covers: theoretical course, practical driving classes, traffic legislation, and up to three retests.

According to what was released by the state government, there are 3 different ways to participate in the CNH Social Detran program, namely:

Student modality: aimed at students between the ages of 18 and 25, who have an active enrollment in the Single Registry (CadÚnico), and who have attended and completed high school in a state public school. In the event of a tie, the average high school grade will be used.

Rural modality: the candidate must reside in the rural area, know how to read and write, in addition to being enrolled in the CadÚnico.


Urban modality: the category requires that the candidate lives in the urban region, knows how to read and write, has an active registration in CadÚnico.

In addition to these requirements, it is important to highlight that candidates have not committed any serious or very serious traffic violation in the last 12 months, prior to enrollment and that they are not repeat offenders in the case of an average violation.

For more details on registration and registration, access the DETRAN website. The program reaches its 3rd stage with more than 6,000 CNHs made available since the end of 2019.

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