Learn how to sell your truck at auction without incurring losses

Published by Carolina on


Acquiring a pickup truck at auction may be the right way to make this dream come true, as auctioned vehicles are mostly sold well below the asking price. Fipe table.

If you have this dream, but don't know anything about auctions, continue in this article and we'll give you valuable tips on how to buy your truck at auction. Check out.

Buy truck at auction

Buying vehicles at auction is becoming an increasingly common practice, in view of the economic crisis facing the world, it is always better pay less into products we need or even want.


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However, to participate in an auction, the consumer You must pay attention to some factors, so as not to have losses later.

Check below, 3 super valuable tips to buy your truck at the auction.

3 tips for buying your truck at auction

If you don't know anything about auctions, rest assured that we'll help you use your money carefully, without paying fines and incurring losses.


See the tips below:

1- Find a reliable auction

The first tip may seem obvious, but many people can simply Google about auctions and click on any auction house, without even knowing if it is, in fact, reliable.

To find out if an auctioneer is reliable, you should first pay attention to the physical address provided on the site. Many scammers can report a fake address.


Another security measure is to verify if the auctioneer is registered with the board of trade in the state in which it operates. Without this registration, the auction house will certainly be irregular.

And to give you more confidence, look to see if the auctioneer has the Leilão Seguro seal, this seal guarantees that the company is in fact legal.

2- Read the notice

Reading the edict is our second tip for two important reasons. The first is that if you don't even find the public notice at the auction house you chose, there's no point in proceeding, that's fraud. Every legal auction must have an edict.

The second reason is that if you fail to read the edict integrally, you may lose important legal information, as well as payment deadlines, which can make you pay fines and incur losses.

In addition, the public notice contains all the information relevant to the auction, as well as all the vehicles auctioned.


3- Read the description of the truck

Still in the public notice, you will find the description of the truck you want. There, it is possible to find all the vehicle's data, such as its documents, reasons for being auctioned, mechanical condition and state of conservation, brand, model, year, among other data.

In an auction there are many vehicles up for grabs, so you can choose from a wide variety of trucks.

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