Apps that track cell phones

Published by Carolina on


If you lost your cell phone or went stolen or stolen, know that there is still a chance of finding it using tracking apps.

With these applications, you can find out the location of the lost device, as well as access various cell phone functions and even control it from a distance.

If necessary, some tracker apps also allow you to erase data from the lost device, in case of theft, or even monitor it, also being able to access the camera and microphone.


Today, we'll talk more about tracking apps and we'll recommend some apps that you might find useful. Check out.

tracking apps

Tracking apps that are available in the market today can find the location of other devices, monitor their activities and even track outgoing and incoming calls.

To the functions which are most commonly found in tracking apps, they are:

  • Location via GPS;
  • Access and monitoring of social media;
  • Call recording;
  • Call tracking;
  • Text message tracking;
  • Camera access;
  • Tablet tracking;
  • PC tracking.

Here are some tracking apps that can be very helpful:


The first application we present is Glympse, which presents the tracking function in an easy and fast way, which is very useful for urgent cases.

This app also brings the location history of the tracked device, and makes it possible to share its location and ID.


Glympse is available for download on iOS and Android operating systems.


See too:

The second application that we present is mSpy, which monitors all the activities of the tracked device, which is found via GPS.

Everything with the application is done remotely, with no need to install anything on the tracked device.

The app still offers several language options, and can also track more than one device at the same time and in real time.

It has as its basic function the tracking for free, but other functions are available in the Premium package, for those who want more features.


Find My Device

The last application that we bring to today's list is the Find My Device application, which locates another device and can even block it from a distance.

Its main features are:

  • Show the route to your device: through Google Maps, the application indicates the path to the tracked device;
  • In-app maps: you can find places using the application's internal maps;
  • Find other devices: the app can track other types of devices, such as a watch, tablet, and the cell phone itself, showing its current location or its last location;
  • Wipe device and lock: you can wipe the device and even block it in cases of robbery or theft;
  • Loud sound: when the device is tracked, it will play a loud sound even if the device is on silent.
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