Apps to keep the driver awake

Published by Carolina on


Traffic accidents are very recurrent on the country's roads, and are often caused by driver fatigue who end up napping behind the wheel.

If the driver is tired, it is already night and he is alone in the vehicle, the danger doubles, as he can close his eyes for a few seconds and cause a big accident.

A great solution to the problem is to use technology to our advantage. Application developers have created many applications capable of helping drivers sleep.


Below, we list the best apps to help you on your trip:

See too:

Drive Awake

The chain of cafes in Thailand, Café Amazon, has developed an application capable of waking up drivers, being developed with the help of the agency BBDO Proximity Thailand.

The application, created for the iOS system, works when the driver positions the iPhone camera where it is possible for the device to capture his face.


So, when the app detects any sign of drowsiness in the driver, doing facial tracking, it sets off an alarm to wake you up.

And then it indicates the Amazon Café closest to your location.

It is a music app, where, with the free plan, you can choose a playlist, for example, and let it play.


At the free plan you have some limitations to skip tracks, having a limited number for that. in the paid version, there are no limits to skip tracks and choose your favorite songs, in addition to being able to listen to them even without an internet connection.

The cheapest plan is the student plan, where only R$ 9.90 (nine reais and ninety cents) is charged per month.

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