Plant care apps

Published by Carolina on


In today's article, see the apps to take care of plants and have your own vegetable garden or ornamental plants.

Growing plants can be a very pleasant and therapeutic pastime, in addition to being able to grow your own garden at home or even make it a source of income.

Next, we brought you the best apps for taking care of plants today. Check it out below.



This application, PlantIt, created by a Portuguese company, brings the user a guide that helps to cultivate organic gardens.

With it, the user will be able to know how, where and when to sow, also knowing the period for planting. Also, the app shows you when to water and harvest the plants.

With its clear explanations, the user can have his garden even if he has no experience in the subject.


This app also explains how to create biofertilizers at home.

The PlantIt app can be found at android.


This other application, called Plantix, is completely free and was developed by a German company.


He uses a photo of the plant to identify possible diseases, then indicating the treatments.

So, if the person has a sick plant, just photograph it, send the photo to the app and it, through its database, will present the best solutions.

The Plantix app can be found at android.

My garden

The Meu Jardim application was made by Rafael Guasti, and presents a great opportunity for the user to have his own garden.

The user must register the plants in the app, then the app creates various tasks and sends notifications for the user to fulfill them.


Through the app, the user will know the correct time for planting, how often to fertilize and the ideal place for each type of plant.

It also informs the user about the right time for pruning or replanting.

The user will have an alarm that will remind him to water his plants, taking into account the drainage of the pot, the type of soil and the region.

The My Garden app can be found at android.


The Gardenia application, on the other hand, is ideal for having more organization in the garden.

Users will know how to take better care of their garden based on information from more than 90,000 plants that the application stores in its database.

The app also informs about plant care considering the climate, temperature, humidity and rainfall.

The Gardenia app can be found at android It is iOS.

Yara CheckIT

The latest app for today is Yara CheckIT, which is designed for farmers.

With it, the user takes a picture of the plantation and the app is able to identify whether the plants have any nutritional deficiencies.

It shows the user the causes of these deficiencies and the factors that exacerbate the situation, such as certain types of soil for certain plants.

Then, it shows solutions, indicating products and fertilizers to be used.

The Yara CheckIT app can be found at android It is iOS.

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