Application to see your city in real time

Published by Carolina on


Several satellites orbit the Earth for many purposes, some belonging to companies that capture images that are used in their applications.

This is the case of applications aimed at traffic and the transmission of real-time images of streets around the world.

Additionally, these apps synchronize information with search engines and present to their users, which can help a lot, especially when traveling, to find nearby places.


We separated today, three applications with real-time satellite transmission, check out.

Google Maps

The first application we brought is Google Maps, very well known and well ranked in the app stores, it is an application focused on traffic and route guidance on roads around the world.

See too:

It presents the synchronization of information with data from the page of google search, thus, provides information about establishments, also indicating the closest places, such as hotels, gas stations, restaurants, and others.


Through the application, the user can choose which type of vision he wants to have, being able to choose the satellite images, in the settings, choosing the “Satellite” option, and thus seeing the images from above. Another option is to view Earth images in 3D mode.

In the route option, the user can also choose a means of transport, with the option of car, public transport, bicycle, and on foot.

The Google Maps application can be found for download on systems android It is iOS.



In second place, we brought the Waze application, an app that uses satellite images, also focused on traffic, very well rated by its users.

With it, the user can have information relevant to the traffic, which will be very helpful, such as if there are accidents in the stretch, if there are works or tolls, what is the speed limit of some stretch of the road, among many other important information.

This application, unlike the previous one, does not display 3D images, but it is very useful for everyday use, being lighter for cell phones.

The Waze app can be downloaded on systems android It is iOS.

Google Earth

As a third application, we brought the Google Earth app, another Google giant, but which is not geared towards traffic like the previous ones, but for something more visual, since it has more graphic images.


Through its feature called street view, the user can take a virtual tour, visiting places around the world, getting to know the facades of museums, monuments, restaurants, and seeing photos that other users have taken of the places.

The application also allows the user to share your location with other people you want, which is very useful in emergency situations.

The Google Earth application can be found for download on systems android It is iOS.

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