Boost 4G speed

Published by Carolina on


Find out how to increase your cell phone's 4G speed to be able to download faster, in addition to uploading content.

Several day-to-day activities are done using the internet these days, which brings the need for a good connection.

When the internet connection is better, it's easier to submit work or meet deadlines.


The cell phone is also a tool that is often used in these tasks, and it is necessary to maintain a good connection on the device.

But it is clear that the cell phone internet faces a lot of problems, even more so without having a nearby WiFi network, making tasks difficult.

Thus, one has to use 3G or 4G, but its speed may be very low.


This will delay downloads, take time to load pages, make it difficult to send and receive messages and when using an application.

So it is very important to have adequate internet speed.

Therefore, we separate tips for you to increase the speed of 4G on your cell phone and have better navigation. Check it out below.

TIP 01


The most recurrent cause that makes the internet slow on the cell phone is the accumulation of cache.

So, as a first tip, we recommend clearing the cache on your phone's storage, and apps.

To make this task faster, you can use an application that performs this cleaning faster.

TIP 02

Apps are another cause of internet slowdowns.

As a second tip, we suggest saving more data when using apps, such as social networks.


And among social networking apps, Instagram is the one that consumes the most of your mobile data and makes the connection much slower.

Thus, you can use a platform to manage your Instagram profile, making tasks automated, which will help reduce data consumption.

Platforms for managing social networks are usually safe, and the user can program their publications, stories and leave automatic messages through them.

This helps the app not to open all the time, avoiding excessive internet usage.

TIP 03

Another way to avoid exaggerated use of mobile data and having your internet slower is not to watch long videos, not use very heavy apps or even listen to music online.

The practice of making many downloads should also be avoided, bringing more savings in the internet package.

This will leave you with more internet to use however you want, for example with your social networks or to send messages.

TIP 04

Tip number four that we bring you is the possibility of enabling the reading mode in your browser, which prevents images from being displayed, only the text appearing.

Using this feature, you will be able to save your mobile data, in addition to your cell phone battery, having a faster internet.

TIP 05

This fifth tip is about deleting applications from your cell phone that you are not using very often, as they remain in the background consuming data.

These open apps also cause a lot of overload on the device's memory unnecessarily.

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