Who will receive PIS/Pasep in 2022?

Published by Carolina on


In day September 11, 1975, Complementary Law nº 26, carried out the unification of the well-known funds PIS (Social integration program It's from pasep (Civil Servant Asset Formation Program).

This law, on the date of its creation, was regulated by Decree nº 78.276/1976, and later came to be managed by Decree nº 4.751 of June 17, 2003.

Check the PIS/Pasep 2022 calendar:

Up to 10/04/1988, employers carried out their financial contributions through PIS/Pasep, which were then distributed to workers in quotas proportional to salary and length of service.


After that date, in 1988, the PIS/Pasep then began not to receive individual collections and its storage destination was also changed. All this happened through art. 239 da federal Constitution.

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Currently, the PIS/Pasep fund collects resources to contribute to the well-being of salaried workers in both sectors, public and private. The fund supports the Salary Bonus.

After the change in the law, the resources collected by the PIS/Pasep started to be stored and maintained by the FAT (Worker Support Fund), the agency responsible for funding the Unemployment Insurance, the Salary Bonus and financing the BNDES (Economic Development Programs by the National Bank for Economic and Social Development).


Who can receive PIS/Pasep?

You salaried citizens from the public and private sectors, must fulfill some of the requirements provided by law to be entitled to receive the PIS/Pasep. Are they:

  • Be registered for at least 5 years;
  • Have a formal contract of at least 30 days in the base year (2020);
  • Having received an average of up to 2 minimum wages during this period.

What documents are required for withdrawal?

• ID card;
• Driver's License (new model);
• Employee Card recognized by Decree;
• Military ID;
• Foreigners Identity Card;
• Passport issued in Brazil or abroad.

Other changes

Provisional Measure No. 946 of April 7, 2020, extinguished the PIS/Pasep Fund for the public servants, which meant that this balance was now transferred to the FGTS (Service Time Guarantee Fund).


Remembering that federal, state and municipal civil servants and employees of public companies and mixed economy companies are enrolled in PASEP.

Before, public servants consulted Pasep through Banco do Brasil, however, the bank itself transferred this to the FGTS and withdrawals must be carried out through Caixa Econômica Federal.

Banco do Brasil also pays the Abono Salarial to workers enrolled in the program.

For more information, see PASEP booklet.

Salaried workers in the private sector withdraw PIS/Pasep also through Caixa Econômica Federal.

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