Smiling Brazil Program: learn how to request your dental implant for free through SUS

Published by Jessica Redatora on


the Brasil Sorridente Program started to make dental implants available for free through the SUS, as having oral health is a matter of quality of life and everyone's right.

From the basic need to chew food, to the most delicate issues. Our teeth play very important roles in our lives.



In addition to their basic functions, teeth end up being important for people to find it easy to maintain social relationships. Like working, studying, dating.

Do you want to know more about how to get your dental implant for free through SUS? So keep reading until the end!

The Smiling Brazil Project

Born in 2003 through the Ministry of Health through the National Oral Health Policy, it was named Brasil Sorridente. And it was created to carry out many measures to promote the oral health of Brazilians.


Possessing oral health prevention actions, such as health promotion campaigns in schools, tooth recovery, for example.

To serve people of all ages, services are offered at health centers, mobile units, hospitals and family health units.

How to get access to a dental implant for free through SUS


Any citizen can request access to the service free of charge. However, people who have less purchasing power will have priority in attendance.

Visit the Brasil Sorridente website to see if your city is already served. If so, just go to a health center and request assistance.

Thus, you will go through the screening and the dentist will put together your care plan.

It is important to bring your personal identification document, SUS card and proof of residence.

What services does the Smiling Brazil Project offer?

In addition to the free dental implant, the project provides other types of care for the entire population. See what services are offered:

  • Fluorine application;
  • Wisdom removal;
  • Dental implants;
  • Free dental device;
  • Biopsies;
  • Surgeries;
  • Caries treatment;
  • Extractions;
  • Restorations;
  • And cleanings.

check if your city already has customer service so you can start your treatment or even perform preventive procedures.

Categories: Health


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