30% of people who requested emergency aid will not receive it, understand.

Published by Redator on


Contrary to what is thought, not all people who have signed up to receive emergency aid from the government will be entitled to receive it, as we said before, it is necessary to meet some requirements that were established by the government in order to be entitled to the benefit.

This week, Dataprev (which is the company responsible for saying who is entitled to receive emergency aid of R$ 600) reported that it finalized two information verification systems to implement the designation of who will be entitled to emergency aid.

In all, the systems identified 51.4 million Brazilians from the Single Registry (CadÚnico). In accurate statistics, this represents 70% of those registered in the register.


The data of the indicated citizens has already been established in the Caixa system, last Sunday (12), only Caixa Econômica Federal is authorized to make payments

In total, CadÚnico has 73.4 million registrations and is managed by Caixa. Of the 51.4 million indicated, 9.6 million refer to those enrolled in CadÚnico and not beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família Program. The other 41.8 million are Bolsa Família beneficiaries.

Government emergency aid, understand how it works

The first set of payments will be completed by this Tuesday (14th) and will cover the applications submitted on April 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th, totaling more than 23 million registrations. Afterwards, the result will be communicated for validation by the Ministry of Citizenship.


This Tuesday (14) a new round of payment of emergency aid of R$ 600. According to Caixa Econômica Federal, consequently, around R$ 4.7 billion will be paid until Friday (17) for 9.4 million beneficiaries .

Emergency aid payment schedules

First the beneficiaries who receive the Bolsa Família
The second cycle is for those enrolled in the Cadastro Único who do not receive Bolsa Família and female heads of household.
Soon after, the third party for those who signed up to receive emergency aid through the program's app or website.
One last essential update on this benefit: for those who receive via digital savings from Caixa, cash withdrawals will start to be released from the 27th.

That way, before that, however, the resources can be moved digitally.

Categories: Economy


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