Find out how to register for Bolsa Familia

Published by m2noticias on


Bolsa Família is a Federal Government social program that helps more than 300,000 families living in extreme poverty achieve better living conditions.

Most likely, you have already heard about this program, right? But do you know how it works and what it takes to register and participate?

We will explain how to register and check if you are entitled to receive assistance from the program, check below:


Learn more about the Bolsa Família Program

The Bolsa Família Program is a social program of the Federal Government and aims to help needy families through extra income. Families who participate in this program are often experiencing hardship and fall into extreme poverty.

The Bolsa Família Program has been in operation since 2003, during the Lula Government and years later it became the right of every Brazilian who is in precarious situations and needs help, be it in food, health, security and public services.

The Bolsa Família Program aims to distribute income and fight hunger in Brazil. It also guarantees food security, education and access to public services, such as appointments at health centers, vacancies in public schools, food baskets, discounts on electricity, water and others.


Who is entitled to participate in Bolsa Familia?

All Brazilians who fall into a situation of poverty have the right

Those who are part of families that are in a situation of poverty or extreme poverty are entitled to receive Bolsa Família assistance, provided they have an income between R$ 89.00 to R$ 178.00 and are in a situation of poverty or extreme poverty.

How to register for Bolsa Familia?

To register for the Bolsa Família Program, you must meet the requirements mentioned above and contact the sector responsible for social programs in your region, having your documents and those of all family members in hand, as well as proof of income. .


It is worth remembering that in some regions of Brazil, the sector responsible for registering families in Bolsa Família is carried out by the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS).

After the family is registered, it will have its data in the Cadastro Único (CadÚnico). Through CadÚnico, it is possible to monitor all families and those still participating in the program.

When a family's registration is approved, a letter is sent to the address informing that it is now part of the Bolsa Família Program. As well as all the instructions on how to use the Bolsa Família card and withdraw the benefit at one of the Caixa branches.

Furthermore, it is through the Bolsa Família card that one of the family members responsible for the registration must withdraw the benefit and will also have access to the calendar on the internet or through the Bolsa Família app.

For more information about the benefits of the Bolsa Família Program and about registering families in this program, visit the Caixa website or the Ministry of Citizenship and get all your questions answered.

Categories: Economy


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