Learn How a Car Show Works

Published by mari on


The car fair is a great option both for those who want to sell and for those who want to buy a used model car. The differential of these events is, always, the great offer of cars in the same place. With huge varieties of prices and models, it is much easier for sellers and buyers to close a good deal.

The fairs usually take place on weekends in parking lots of supermarkets, malls or specific spaces for large events. Therefore, those who want to sell need to pay a fee to leave the car on display.


Values vary according to the location of the “place” where you choose to expose your car. Continue reading and find out about the advantages of buying your car at an auto fair and financing it with

How to buy at a car fair?

If you are interested in buying a car, you can enter without paying if you are a pedestrian, or pay only for the parking you will use.

One of the advantages of the car fair is the possibility of negotiating prices directly with the owner of the car. But it's also important to pay attention to some details. How to keep an eye on the condition of the car and look for scratches, dents, texture changes in the paintwork, etc.


Also, be sure to research the car's history, if you've had an accident, check documents, fines, IPVA and even chassis inspection with your state's Detran.

Some fairs already have dispatcher services, verification of documentation and fines that can be very useful when evaluating to buy your car.

BV vehicle finance

With BV Vehicle Financing, you pay a down payment and finance the rest of the vehicle you want, in fixed installments and with a longer term to pay. The vehicle is sold to BV as collateral until the end of the contract.

Advantages of financing your car at the fair with BV


When we talk about BV finance car financing, we also talk about advantages for you, check it out!


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