Ministry of Health has already distributed almost 1 million tests for coronavirus

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The Ministry of Health in Brazil has been making a great constant effort to increase testing for the coronavirus in the public health network by making new tests available, either by direct purchase or through donations.

According to an official publication on its portal, last Thursday (9), approximately one million tests for the diagnosis of COVID-19 had already been distributed throughout the country, but that is not it.

How was this done? According to the folder, a new load of 1 million rapid tests arrived in Brazil this Thursday and begins to be distributed next week simultaneously with another 50,000 RT-PCR tests.


Until the publication of this article, the ministry confirmed that 451,400 RT-PCR tests (molecular biology) were sent to Central Public Health Laboratories (LACEN) across the country, in addition to national reference laboratories.

This amount issued is part of the acquisitions already delivered to the Ministry of Health by the Oswaldo Cruz Institute - Fiocruz (104,872), Paraná Molecular Biology Institute - IBMP (45,560) and a donation from Petrobras (300,000).

Ministry of Health has already distributed approximately 1 million tests for coronavirus


Ministry of Health – update on the new coronavirus

The tests sent, accurately identify the virus that causes COVID-19 right at the beginning of the symptoms, that is, in the interval in which it is still acting in the body. It is used to diagnose serious hospitalized cases with COVID-19, but we know it's not easy.

In addition, it is applied in the Sentinel Network, which monitors the evolution of the disease in Brazil by sampling, such as the symptoms of cases associated with the virus, both in severe cases, in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), and in mild cases, in Syndrome Gripal (SG).

Coronavirus – Rapid tests (serology)

The folder informed that until the event, 500 thousand units have already been distributed to the states. They were donated by the mining company Vale to the Ministry of Health to help Brazil in the fight against the coronavirus. A second shipment with 1 million rapid tests donated by the mining company arrived in Brazil last Thursday (9).


Another piece of information passed on by the ministry led by Mandetta is that from this new shipment, 570,000 tests will be distributed to the states next week, another 180,000 will be used in research and 247,000 will design the strategic stock of the Ministry of Health.

Donations from large companies to combat the Coronavirus

Vale donated more than 5 million rapid tests to the Ministry of Health in Brazil, which will be used by professionals working in health services across the country, in addition to security agents, such as police, firefighters and civil guards with symptoms of the syndrome flu.

Therefore, as far as is known, the initiative allows these professionals, who are on the front line and are part of essential services, to carry out the test and, once they no longer have symptoms of the disease, they can return to work in less time. time, safely, without having to wait for the recommended 14 days of isolation.


Categories: Health


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