Detran Motorcycle Auction: Participate!

Published by Carolina on


Some bikes, like the Harley-Davidson, is the dream of consumption for many people. But, some models and brands are more expensive, making the dream postponed.

If you also have a motorcycle that you dream of buying, or you still want a motorcycle because it is more economical, but you don't have much money to invest: your place is at the motorcycle auction!

If at a conventional auction it is already possible to find motorcycles at incredible prices, be aware that at the Detran Motorcycle Auction, prices can be discount up to 50%.


We'll talk more about the DMV auction. Check out.

See too:

DMV Motorbike Auction

The Detran (State Traffic Department) is a body that oversees compliance with traffic laws, having one for each Brazilian state.

Thus, cars and motorcycles seized in blitz by documentation irregularity, due to the lack of a driver's license, or even vehicles involved in accidents, are seized by the Detran and taken to the agency's courtyard.


To pick up the vehicle, the owner must regularize everything and pay for the expenses of the days the vehicle was in the yard, which causes many to abandon their cars and motorcycles.

The Detran then holds an auction to pay for the patio costs and to raise funds for public bodies.

Other vehicles may come from accidents, thus selling their parts or as scrap metal. Or still be vehicles for changing the fleet of public bodies.

How does the DMV auction work?


The Detran Motorbike Auction works in the most conventional way, that of highest bidder, that is, whoever makes the highest bid, takes the bike.

The Detran works with auctions in two ways: face-to-face and online. In face-to-face mode, the person must appear at the place indicated in the public notice that can be found on the Detran website of each state.

In the announcement, the person will also find the time and day to appear at the place to participate in the motorcycle and car auction of the Detran.

In the online modality, the person interested in participating in the auction must register with their personal data before participating, in addition to also reading the full notice (the notice must be read in full in any form).

And after buying the bike at auction?


After buying the new motorcycle at the Detran Auction, it is necessary to legalize it. For this, the buyer must go to the Detran of his city with the personal documents in hand: CPF and CNH. In addition, you must carry the vehicle documents that are acquired from the auctioneer.

The regularization has a deadline to be carried out: until 30 days after closing of the motorcycle at auction. Pay attention to the motorcycle's documentation before buying it, because if there is any outstanding debt, the former owner must pay it off, which can sometimes bring some complications to the payment of the debt.

Now, from the moment the new owner acquires the motorcycle at auction, the following IPVA will be under his responsibility.

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