DMV Motorbike Auction

Published by m2noticias on


Do you want to buy a motorcycle paying well below the Fipe table value? You're in the right place! motorcycles with up to 70% off the list price.

We are going to explore about the next Detran Seized Motorbike Auctions and provide you with the list of the next auctions that will be held later this year.

Given the current scenario in Brazil, many people are unemployed, which makes it difficult to buy a motorcycle for financing. Without knowing how it will be in the future, people need to be very careful when deciding to buy a vehicle, even if it is a motorcycle.


If you want to buy a motorcycle without running the risk of taking on a long debt and paying a lot of interest for it, read on!


It is the responsibility of the Detran to promote all education in traffic, such as planning, executing and controlling all actions that are related to drivers' licenses, documentation and services for vehicles.

In addition, the Detran makes and disseminates traffic statistics and also manages the assessment and all collection of fines.


Detran's main focus and objective is to carry out all these activities with extreme quality and transparency, contributing to the life of the population.

How to participate in the Motorcycle Detran auction

All interested participants must be registered on the DETRAN website in accordance with the conditions mentioned by the agency or register at the time of the auction, with the following documents: RG and CPF for individuals; or Statute/Articles of Incorporation and CNPJ, for legal entities, and proof of residence to become accredited.

If you are interested in placing a bid, it can also be done from the website. You can also read the auction notice on the platform.


For reasons of the covid-19 pandemic, in the same way as previous auctions, auctions will only be carried out online.

Payment must be made in cash or check. Installments or any other form of payment is not allowed.

Interested in buying a motorcycle or any other vehicle through the Detran auction? Our goal is that with this information you can have a good choice to do great business.

We provide you with a list of upcoming Detran Vehicle Auctions. Check the next Auction dates that will be held.

For more information regarding the auction of cars and motorcycles, visit our page, we have many publications on the subject for you!




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