BHTrans Auction

Published by m2noticias on


On the 6th and 7th of May, BHTrans will auction 446 vehicles, including cars and motorcycles, that were removed due to traffic violations and are collected in the courtyard. The alienation/acquisition will be made by the best individual offer of each good, in the state in which it is found.

BHTrans will auction 446 vehicles in May

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The auction will be online, starting at 9am. To participate, interested parties must register on the site. The public notice that deals with the auction was published in the Official Gazette of the Municipality (DOM) on the 15th.


The visit to the courtyard for visual inspection of available vehicles can be carried out from May 3 to 5, from 9am to 4pm, at Av.Tereza Cristina, 3009, in the Calafate neighborhood (Pátio JK), and at Rua Senador Milton Campos, 1012, in Santa Maria, both in the western region of the capital of Minas Gerais.

If the interested party cannot travel to the site, the auction bids can be made via the internet. After acquisition, the transfer of the value will be necessary.

The goods to be auctioned are considered conserved and there are also scraps. The conserved vehicles will be able to circulate normally again, provided that the bidder takes all the necessary and legal measures, within the period and in the manner required by the Brazilian Traffic Code (CTB).


The vehicle considered scrap will not be able to return to the streets. Before handing it over to the bidder, the government will request the write-off of the asset from the Traffic Department (Detran).

Who can participate in the auction?

Any and all persons over the age of 18. A basic registration will be required to carry out the bids, so separate a document with a photo for submission.

To check the lots there is no need to register, just to place bids the auctioneer asks the interested party to register in advance on the site.

Can I bid on more than one vehicle?


This is a doubt of many people. The interested party can bid on more than one vehicle, but what should be clear is that if he is the winner of both bids, he must obligatorily purchase both vehicles. So be very careful when bidding on auction vehicles.

If you don't want to keep the vehicle sold at the auction, it's always good to read the public notice to see if there are fines in case there is withdrawal.


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