Is there an app to measure glucose?

Published by Carolina on


There are several apps on the market that control blood glucose and help in the treatment of diabetes in an easier way.

In today's article we will talk more about the glucose level related to diabetes, and we will bring you an app for blood glucose control. Check it out.

Diabetes Date

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which publishes a report every two years, diabetes, in the year 2015, was considered a growing health problem, appearing as the seventh leading cause of death in the country.


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It is currently recorded that almost a third of the population of the North American country is diabetic or pre-diabetic, which equates to about 100 million peopleIt is.

Already this year, new people with diabetes have been confirmed, with about 1.5 million people 18 years of age or older.

Blood Glucose

Glucose in the blood is a type of carbohydrate, a sugar, which brings energy to the body of living beings, being one of the nutrients of the cells, classified as one of the main ones.


Another importance of glucose is that it participates in the formation of complex carbohydrates, such as starch.

It is called hyperglycemia when the blood glucose level is high, and hypoglycemia when it is low.

For an adult person, the normal blood glucose level is considered to be between 70 mg/dl and 100 mg/dl, and if it is higher than 126 mg/dl, diabetes appears.

FreeStyle Libre App


FreeStyle Libre, brings a lot of technology, which helps in the daily life of the person with diabetes, making glucose control easier.

The old method of taking blood from the finger, which was intrusive, is then replaced by a sensor, which collects and stores glucose data, which is sent to the application on the cell phone.

The sensor is placed on the arm, and is not completely waterproof, allowing the person to bathe, go into the sea, and go into the pool without any worries.

All the data from the glucose levels collected and stored in the application, are presented to the user as graphs and reports helping to have a better opinion and control of the disease.

In addition, it is possible to share everything that has been collected with family members and your doctor.


The FreeStyle Libre, brings a much easier, practical and safe way to measure glucose, thus enabling a greater well-being.

The sensor can be purchased at drugstores or through amazon.

The FreeStyle Libre app can be downloaded on android and iOS systems.

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