Governor of RS announces cut of 30% in his own salary due to pandemic

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Everything indicates that the new coronavirus pandemic does not have an end date, who would have thought that a government in Brazil would adhere to a 30% cut in its own salary?

In an online statement, the governor of Rio Grande do Sul announced a 30% cut in his own salary. Other secretaries of state were instructed to do the same.

The new measures to combat the new Coronavirus were announced live on the morning of this last Friday (10), at Palácio Piratini, the governor of Rio Grande do Sul, communicated about the cut of 30% in his own salary. The adjustment will be implemented over the next three months.


In the live broadcast he declared: in the next three months, I will be giving up, reducing my own remuneration by 30%, which is what we project from the decline in the state’s collection”

According to the head of the Executive, due to the impossibility of making cuts in the salaries of civil servants, the State Secretaries were asked to reduce their own salaries.

On the spending cuts announced by the governor

“There is a principle of irreducibility of public administration wages and, therefore, I cannot assess the reduction in wages for civil servants and even for the work team. Even so, I made a personal decision, which I recommended to be followed by our secretaries, as public managers”.


We know that social isolation measures, due to the coronavirus pandemic, led to the closure of various economic activities, aggravating the financial situation of the state.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the state's financial situation has suffered effects and is exacerbated as a result of social isolation measures and the interruption of activities in various sectors of the economic hub.

“We are facing a situation in which millions of people will have their jobs affected, small, medium and even large entrepreneurs will be affected due to the crisis resulting from these restrictions.


Therefore, I do not consider it fair that those who serve the population are immune to this complexity in front of what they observe”, he concluded.

See which secretaries joined the cut:

Ranolfo Vieira Júnior, Deputy Governor and Secretary of Public Security
Otomar Vivian, Chief of Staff
Catarina Paladini – Justice, Citizenship and Human Rights
Juvir Costella – Logistics and Transport
Claudio Gastal – Governance and Strategic Management
Tânia Moreira – Communication
Artur Lemos Júnior – Environment and Infrastructure
Agostinho Meirelles – Articulation and Support for Municipalities
Luís Lamb – Innovation, Science and Technology
João Derly -Sport and Leisure

Categories: Economy


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