Santander car finance

Published by m2noticias on


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O Santander Bank of Brazil offers vehicle finance through its vehicle CDC product.

O Santander car finance can reach up to 100% of vehicle value. The credit applicant may have up to 72 months to settle his car loan. Payment of the first installment can also be made within 60 days. The banking institution finances cars that are up to 10 years old.


And how does Santander car financing work?

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The first thing to do is choose the vehicle model you want to buy. Make a budget and choose the best vehicle option that suits you. It is good to remind you that the vehicle must have a maximum of 10 years of manufacture. The vehicle of interest can be manufactured nationally or internationally.

Then the applicant can do a car financing simulation. This budget can be either online by accessing the website or at the institution itself. The budget is always based on personal information provided by the applicant.


Soon after, the vehicle financing proposal will be approved, through a credit analysis of the interested customer. If the proposal is approved by the institution, you or the applicant just need to sign the contract and purchase your car.

Santander Vehicle Financing

It is good to know that the car financed by the bank will be transferred to the Santander bank until the debt is fully paid off by the person responsible for financing the car. This is a form of guarantee for the institution.

Interest rates:


Banco Santander has an interest rate that can be considered low compared to other banks. This fee is 16,69% or year. This is equivalent to a value of 1,29% per month.

Are there requirements for Santander car finance?

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Like me any other institution there are certain requirements for funding. Among them, the vehicle to be financed must have a maximum of 10 years of manufacture. The car also cannot have administrative or legal pendencies or restrictions. The car must also be in the name of the person selling the vehicle.

Some important documents are required for Banco Santander to analyze the applicant's credit. Documents that may include: proof of residence, CPF, RG, CNH and proof of income. Proof of income is important for this analysis to be carried out after simulating the car loan.

You can simulate the financing of a vehicle on the website of Banco Santander do Brasil, online and easily.


How can vehicle financing be approved?

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Financing is approved basically like any other financial institution. A few simple requirements need to be met.

Banco Santander will verify that the applicant's name is clean with the credit authorities. Another thing checked is whether the applicant pays his debts on time. For an approval it is good that you always honor your debts and pay them on time.



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