Vehicle Financing, Simulate Online

Published by m2noticias on


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Special financing conditions and the first payment for 90 days. There are several participating stores throughout Brazil. If you are going to change cars, this is a good opportunity to find interesting offers. But still don't know how much you can spend? See how to calculate your financing options.

1. How much can I finance?

The amount to be financed will depend on some important factors, such as the down payment, the term for payment of the contract and your monthly income. That's why it's important to always do simulations considering this data and see which proposal is best for your pocket.


The interesting and ideal thing is to start planning for the payment period, since in most cases where interest is charged, this calculation is made according to the payment period in months. Know that the shorter the payment period, the lower the interest included in the monthly payment of your debt.

Know that the interesting thing is not to commit more than 30% of your income in installments.

2. What is the entry fee for vehicle financing?

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There is no clear rule for this, in general the minimum amount is 20% of the total vehicle to be financed, but in longer contracts this amount can increase to 30% or even 40%. The ideal thing to know is that the higher the down payment and the less the number of months to pay, the lower the interest rate embedded in the calculation.

3. In how many months can I finance a vehicle?

Vehicle financing terms may vary by financial institution. In most cases, the minimum term is 6 months and the maximum 72 months, remembering that the shorter the term, the lower the interest, so plan to pay off your financing as soon as possible.

Simulate financing your next vehicle here:

4. Do I choose by term or by installment?


To make it easier, just see how your income is, if it is tighter, it is worth opting for financing depending on the installments. Make the calculation so that each installment does not exceed more than 30% of your monthly income. Performing this calculation is very simple in how long it will pay off all your financing.

You cannot forget to consider the other costs, such as fuel, insurance, IPVA, compulsory insurance, documentation and maintenance

To make a simulation in a very simple way, the ICarros website has exclusive conditions already considering the rates for you to know how much you will pay per month and the total term value of your financing.

5. Can I combine my income with someone else?

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In vehicle financing, it is not allowed to declare your income with someone else, even if it is by stable union and not even with parents, brother even living together.


Income for financing vehicles from only the person responsible for the contract.

6. What are the interest rates?

The interest for financing varies according to the financial institution and the term financed. It is important to see the breakdown of all information in the contract, all costs and embedded fees.

7. How do I know if I am being offered the best conditions?

To know if the deal is good, it is always interesting to carry out research and simulations in some financial institutions. It is worth checking with your bank if there is pre-approved credit and comparing the conditions offered at resellers and dealerships.

8. What are the requirements for good financing?

To apply for financing, you must be over 18 years old, present personal documents, such as RG, CPF and proof of income. Complying with credit granting policies is also a necessity.

Reaching your situation with Serasa is also a good option, being on the blacklist, having difficulties paying your bills can be one of the factors that will prevent you from carrying out your financing. On the other hand, if all these issues are settled, there is no reason to worry about your financing.

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