Financing of vehicles by Caixa

Published by m2noticias on


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If you have a dream of owning your vehicle. Then see all the tips in this article on how to finance a car through the box.

A lot of people are in doubt about how to finance a car. Because there are many banks and financial institutions in Brazil that provide financing. But before you do a financing simulation. Research all these companies in depth, so that you don't have any surprises in your financing.


For example: Paying very high interest, or even having high rates with the institution. So all of this will depend on some important factors. And all these details have to be very well analyzed so you don't lose money. And try to save as much money as possible when it comes to financing.

The Caixa bank offers Auto Caixa credit for vehicles. It is a type of financing for those who want to buy a car, motorcycle. Right here you will see some details of how the box financing works.

Auto Caixa Credit

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Auto Caixa credit is a type of financing that Caixa makes available through Banco Caixa. That according to the bank's official website, this type of financing can reach up to 80% with a fixed interest rate and without charging additional fees.

Now to find out if this type of financing is really worth it. We will have to show more in depth. Because only then will we know if it's really worth it, most of the time yes. This type of financing offered by Caixa is specifically for individuals.

Financing by Caixa


So if you are a legal entity. In this case, this type of car financing is not worth it.

How Auto Cash Credit works

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the credit of box bank has a pre-fixed interest rate that does not change during the payment, as it can finance cars and motorcycles, national and imported. The deadline for making the payment is up to 72 months. And the bank allows early settlement of the outstanding balance if you are interested, which can really end up being worth it depending on your case, because most of the time you may end up wanting to anticipate the installment by reducing the accumulated interest and saving money.

How to get Auto Cash Credit

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If you are really interested in financing a car through a bank, you will need to follow a few steps. First go to a bank branch closest to your home or access the website, and try to understand all the financing details. Take as many of your doubts as possible, so you'll see the best way to get financing.


After knowing all the details and how to proceed with your car financing, look for a car of your choice to be able to finance it, go to the agency or even over the phone to find out the necessary documents and as soon as you have it in hand and take all your necessary documents.

After that, the cashier will analyze the documents, as the bank needs to know the credit information that will be available to you. The bank needs to check your credit line and score. Right here below we give you some tips to be approved in your financing.

Tips to be approved

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Check your score, go to the Serasa website and register. If your score is high, it means that you have a high probability of being approved for car financing, after that, just wait for Caixa to return you.


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