In Rio, the government distributes R$ 100 to replace school lunches

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In Rio de Janeiro, the government announced that it will distribute vouchers worth R$ 100 to students from the state public education network. The measure aims to change school lunches, suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic.

According to Pedro Fernandes, State Secretary of Education, the value of the cost of meals is being reverted to the students' families. That they will be able to purchase food while the quarantine lasts.

The amount will be transferred monthly.


In Rio, the government distributes R$ 100 to replace school lunches

State of Rio distributes a voucher of R$ 100 in the state education network, to replace school lunches due to classes suspended due to the pandemic.

Distribution of vouchers

The prefecture has already started delivering the vouchers through which the value distributions will be made. They will be intended for students from the municipal education network who are part of the socioeconomic profile of extreme poverty and who are enrolled in Bolsa Família and receive government assistance through CadÚnico.

In addition to the voucher, a school meal card will be provided.



In order to avoid agglomerations during deliveries, the vouchers will be delivered through a bill payment app. They can be installed by mobile phone. The State Department of Education announced that it will still be disclosed which app will be used and the date for distribution.

The secretary of education informed that the eventuality of a partnership that could increase the number of distributions of vouchers is being evaluated.

“We are studying a partnership with the organization Comunitas to provide the extermination of this resource for an even greater number of students”, said Fernandes.


It was warned by the secretariat that some families should receive basic food baskets from the state through the Humanitarian Effort. There is still no estimated delivery date.

Categories: Economy


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