In SP New ICU beds already have 60% occupancy 04-13-2020

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Everything indicates that the new coronavirus will continue to cause major structural changes across the country, and in SP this is happening with more vehemence and strength, public authorities are taking their measures.

Bruno Covas, mayor of São Paulo, warned in an official press conference that 56% of the new ICU beds that were delivered in São Paulo are already occupied. For the health authorities, the occupancy rate rises to 60% in the new infirmary beds, counting field hospitals.

State Health Secretary José Henrique Germann reported that it is not necessary to predict when all beds will be occupied, and said that the secretary is following the evolution of the disease on a daily basis, for more restrictive measures.


In SP New ICU beds already have 60% occupancy 04-13-2020

SP – New Covid 19 – check out the latest updates

378 beds are already available, however, the city of SP has promised 933 ICU beds. In addition, the city hall also informed that by the end of April, Covas foresees that the number of delivered will increase to 585. With regard to the infirmary, 1,688 more beds have already been made available.

On adherence to social isolation


Recent surveys show that several people are adhering to social isolation in SP, to moderate the coronavirus, that is what Governor João Doria (PSDB) announced this Monday. Official data computed by the State in partnership with cellular operators, indicated that the isolation index rose from 47% to 59%, but many are not obeying.

It is a temporary victory for science and for those who want to live.

Health authorities in Brazil continue to urge people to continue with this effort to get close to the WHO recommended percentage, which is 70%.” The State of São Paulo currently has 8,755 confirmed cases of Covid-19, an increase of 10% in the last 24 hours, and 588 deaths. The debate on quarantine measures reached the Attorney General's Office, however, there is no good reciprocity.


Some experts warn that the structural impacts of social isolation on the economy are potentially dangerous for the country. Therefore, we need to follow all health recommendations.

Categories: Health


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