Detran opens process to distribute free CNH

Published by m2noticias on


Yesterday, the DMV opened enrollment for the program that will distribute the National Driver's License (CNH) free of charge to 5,000 people across the state. 5,000 vacancies will be made available for this month in the Social Habilitation Program and registrations must be made exclusively through the Detran Services Portal until the end of the month.

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According to the Detran, the objective of distributing the free CNH is to enable users to have the training, qualification and professional qualification of drivers, through the free offer of the entire process of withdrawing the National Driver's License (CNH). The Detran program provides free CNH in categories A or B, addition of category A or B, change of drivers to categories C, D or E, renewal and, if you want to exchange it for a definitive license.


How will CNHs be distributed?

Of the 5 thousand vacancies made available for this month, 3 thousand will be in the Qualified Student modality and the other 2 thousand will be destined to the Citizen who is already Qualified. The program will still reserve 20% of the vacancies available for beneficiaries of social programs of the Secretariat for Social Development, known as Sede) and another 20% for beneficiary clients of social programs monitored by the Secretariat of Justice and Citizenship (Sejus). The remainder of the 60% vacancies will be allocated to beneficiaries of the Detran Professional Training Project.

Who can get a free driver's license from the Detran

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Applying for a vacancy in the Qualified Student Project is very simple, the interested person must be between 18 and 25 years old, be enrolled, as holder or dependent in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico). Be attending or have completed the three years of High School in a public school or be registered as a full scholarship holder in private institutions and also be enrolled in the National High School Exam, in this case the Enem.

The candidate who is registered for the Qualified Citizen Project needs to be over 18 years old, be registered as a holder or dependent of the responsible person in the CadÚnico, needs to know how to read and write. People with active registrations in CadÚnico will be considered those launched in the national database until January 15, 2021.


Applicants must also meet the selection criteria of the Brazilian Traffic Code.

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The Detran will make available to Sedes and Sejus the list of interested parties with approved registration for selection and classification. After approval of the selection of candidates, the aforementioned secretariats of each state will return the lists, informing the selected candidates by modality, type of service, applicable criteria, reason for non-selection and others that may be necessary.

The final list of candidates classified for the free CNH program will be published exclusively electronically on the Detran Portal, on a date to be defined by the same. After publication, the candidate will have up to 15 days to enroll online and, after being registered, he will still have another 15 days to open the process at the National Drivers' Registry. If you do not meet these deadlines, you will lose the right to the benefit, so there is a need to be very attentive to the process


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