Buy your pickup truck safely at auction

Published by Carolina on


Auctions are becoming increasingly popular as more Brazilians look for alternatives to save money, even when buying a new car or even the first vehicle.

Pickup trucks are a dream of consumption for many people, but in the midst of an economic crisis, it seems almost impossible to buy a used one, much less 0 km.

Discover the best trucks to buy at auction:

But to cast off one pickup truck at auction can make this dream come true quickly, because the auction vehicles are seized due to some default by the former owner, and the vehicles are made available for auction well below the list price.


If you don't know much about auctions, but are very interested in the subject, continue here because today we'll talk more about buying your truck at auction and giving care tips to be followed for a secure purchase.

See too:

3 important tips to buy your truck at the auction safely

If you are very interested in this subject and are convinced to enter an auction, first pay attention to the tips that we will give below so as not to fall for any scam. Let's go.

1- Find a reliable auctioneer

The basic tip for a good auction purchase, safely, is knowing how to choose the right auctioneer. That's because many auctioneers found on the internet are nothing more than a scam.


The first tip to follow to verify the reliability of an auctioneer is to check its physical address, provided on the site itself. Many scammers provide a fake address.

The second tip is to check if the auctioneer is registered with the board of trade state, as this is the only way to operate in the field legally.

It is also worth checking if the auction house where you want to buy your truck has the Auction Seguro seal, which guarantees a serious and safe trade.

2- Read the auction notice in full


Reading may not be your forte, but if you want to make a safe buy and without unpleasant surprises in the future, it is better to read the public notice in its entirety and very carefully.

The public notice provides details about the auction, such as time and legal basis, as well as data on the documentation of the vehicles and the states in which they are located.

If the auctioneer you chose does not have an edition, it is certainly a coup.

3- Read the description of the chosen truck

Before buying the truck you so desire, remember that auction vehicles are used, so it is not enough just to know the characteristics of the factory vehicle.

As already mentioned, in the announcement you will find the details of each truck, its condition, documentation, possible injuries, brand, model, and other pertinent information.

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