Buy your vehicle at the Detran Car Auction

Published by Carolina on


Auctions have been gaining ground among consumers, who are seeing prices as a great opportunity to change their car or buy their first vehicle.

The Detran Car Auction is among the best known and most trusted vehicle auctions in Brazil. Here you can find the best deals on cars in good condition.

Learn more about the Federal Revenue Car Auction:

We'll talk more about the Detran Car Auction today. Stay with us and check it out.


Knowing the Detran Car Auction

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The cars auctioned at Detran come from three situations:

  • In seizures due to vehicle irregularities or lack of driver's license;
  • Apprehension for irregularities found after traffic accidents;
  • Vehicles used by public bodies themselves, when they are exchanged for new fleets.

The seized vehicles go to a courtyard maintained by the Detran. The owner, to redeem it, must pay for the days the car was in the yard and regularize the documentation. With that, many are never taken out.

Since these parked cars generate expenses for the Detran, the agency holds auctions to cover costs and also to raise funds.


Knowing the advantages of the Detran Auction

In addition to the price well below the Fipe table, reaching incredible 50% discount, vehicles auctioned by Detran undergo inspection before being auctioned.

Another advantage is that, as it is a public, government agency, the auction is completely legal and there is no risk of a coup.

Furthermore, it is possible to find a large variety of vehicles, with several models and brands for all tastes and pockets.


Cars from the public bodies themselves are very well taken care of even during the exercise of their function, so they are very well preserved.

How to participate in a Detran Car Auction?

Detran Car Auctions have two categories: online and in person. The Detran can also hold auctions in both categories at the same time, making it possible to bid in person and online.

Auction information can be found on the auction pages. DMV of each state, where you can find the notice.

O notice contains all the information necessary to participate in the auction safely and without unpleasant surprises in the future. Therefore, it must be read in full.

In the announcement, the buyer will find the times, places and dates of the auctions, information on payment of auctions and data about the cars, as well as their documentation.


Payment for an auction is usually made in cash and, in some cases, there may be a fine if it is not paid within the period stipulated in the public notice, so pay attention to all the information before participating, ensuring that you have the money needed.

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