How to receive the Brazil Aid?

Published by Carolina on


The Auxílio Brasil program is a social program developed and coordinated by Ministry of Citizenship, the body responsible for managing program benefits and sending funds for payment.

Auxílio Brasil is a direct and indirect income transfer program. Its objective seeks to help families that are in poverty and extreme poverty in Brazil, something more common in the country than it should be.

Find out about the objectives of the Auxílio Brasil program:

The social program covers several public policy, such as: social assistance, health, education, employment and income.


Help for families is provided by guaranteeing a basic income, simplifying the basket of benefits and encouraging the emancipation of these families so that they can gain autonomy and have the real possibility of getting out of a situation of social vulnerability.

See too:

Who is entitled to receive the Auxílio Brasil benefit?

Families eligible to receive assistance from the program are:

  • Families in situation of poverty;
  • Families in extreme poverty;
  • Families under emancipation rule.

Families in poverty: with monthly income per capita from R$ 105.01 (one hundred and five reais and one cent) to R$ 210.00 (two hundred and ten reais).


Families in extreme poverty: with monthly per capita income of up to R$ 105.00 (one hundred and five reais).

How do I receive the Brazil Aid?

Program benefits can be received by the following accounts:

  • Digital Social Savings;
  • Demand Deposit Checking Account;
  • Special Deposit Account;
  • Accounting Account (social platform of the Program).

The benefit may be received in the ledger account in the following situations:

  • When the beneficiary does not have another bank account;
  • When the beneficiary chooses to receive in the ledger account, even if you have other bank accounts;
  • When payment to another account is not possible due to technical, operational or regulatory impediments, such as account blocking, suspension or closure.

What is the objective of the Auxílio Brasil program?


The Auxílio Brasil program presents as its main objective help and assistance to the various Brazilian families that need financial and social support to develop in a healthy way worthy and with real chances of emancipation and growth, which is, without a doubt, a right that must be guaranteed to all human beings, without any discrimination, prejudice and/or social exclusion.

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