How to choose the best vehicle at auction

Published by Carolina on


Auctions are known to offer very low prices, going as low as 50% off used cars. The secret is knowing how to choose the right auctioneer and vehicle.

Today, we separate valuable information for you who want to enter the world of auctions and buy your vehicle with many advantages. Check out.

Vehicle Auctions

Vehicle auctions end up stipulating prices far below the Fipe table, especially public agency auctions, such as the Detran and the IRS, who auction cars that were seized in blitz, usually.


See too:

Auctions bring a huge variety of brands and models, as well as vehicles in the most diverse conditions of conservation, ranging from almost new to scrap metal (the latter not being allowed to circulate on public roads).

The vehicles found can be old, popular, and even Lux, with unbelievable prices, depending on many factors.

Choosing the Best Auctions

When doing a quick Google search, we found several vehicle auction houses, and that's when the question arises: which one to choose?


Well, we are not going to quote the name of one or another auction house, but rather teach you how to choose one. trusted auctioneer, avoiding blows.


The first factor that we must pay attention to when choosing an auctioneer is their physical address. Check if it is real and matches the trade. Many scammers give fake addresses.

board of trade

The second tip is to check if the auctioneer is registered with the board of trade of State. This registration is what allows an auction house to operate legally.


To increase security, make sure that the auctioneer has the Auction Safe seal, which shows that it is a regularized and true trade.


Every auction must have an announcement, if it does not have one, it certainly is coup. Therefore, pay attention to this fact and read the complete notice.

How does an auction work?

A vehicle auction can work with four ways to finish:

maximum bid

The maximum bid mode is the best known. He is the one who uses the famous catchphrase "who gives more?“. Yeah, whoever gives the most, takes the vehicle.

Minimum bid

The minimum bid works like this: the auctioneer determines a minimum bid to be reached, whoever reaches it, takes the vehicle. When this minimum value is not reached, it is up to the auctioneer to decide whether to accept the higher value proposal or not.


automatic bidding

Automatic bidding consists of registered value by the interested consumer at the time of registration. At registration, in this case, the consumer determines a maximum value that he would like to pay for a vehicle. At the end of the bidding period, whoever made the highest bid wins. However, no one, not even the auctioneer, can see the bids given prior to closing.

bid bonus

The bonus bid can only occur in one situation: when there is a tie between two or more bids. Thus, the tiebreaker happens based on the bid with the maximum value given by the consumer at the time of registration.

Vehicle auction modalities

Currently, most auction houses hold auctions in person and online, or both simultaneously.

In the face-to-face modality, the person must attend the auction site at the stipulated date and time. All of this information is found in the auction notice, available on the auctioneers' websites or at physical locations.

In the online modality, the person must make a register before participating in the auction, informing your personal data for the safety of both parties involved in the negotiations.

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