How to buy pickup truck at auction?

Published by Carolina on


Brazilians are increasingly entering the world of auctions. This is because the prices of vehicles offered for auction at an auction are much more affordable than a used one at a dealership or even directly with the owner.

Many dream of acquiring a pickup truck, being practical for heavy work and walking, which makes it a consumer dream.

Discover the best trucks to be auctioned:

For those of you who have always postponed this dream due to the high prices of trucks, know that you can finally make it come true through an auction.


Auctions make available in their catalogs vehicles that were seized due to some negligence of the former owner, which makes the prices far below the table.

See too:

Today we will talk more how to participate in auctions and buy your dreamed pickup truck.

The 3 steps to participating in a pickup truck auction

To participate in an auction, it's not just opening any website and already buying your truck. There are a few steps required by the auctioneer for the safety of everyone involved.


Step 1: registration

To start participating in a pickup truck auction site, you must first complete your register.

In general, the following data is requested:

  • Full name;
  • Email and other contact information;
  • General Registration (RG);
  • Individual Taxpayer Registration (CPF).

Step 2: Approval and qualification

After registration, you must follow one more step before being able to tow off your truck in the chosen auction.


Now you need to qualify to participate in the auction.

After registering, you must login to the auction house's website, choose the auction you wish to participate in and your lot of interest.

It is necessary to perform the qualification again whenever you want to participate in the auction in which you have already registered.

Step 3: Buy your truck

Now you are ready to finish off the dream truck.

After the approved registration and qualification, it is possible to see the details of the chosen lot and obtain more information necessary to make the purchase.

Well, now that you know how to participate in one pickup truck auction, the next steps are to learn how to choose the best auctioneer, taking all the necessary care not to fall into scams and suffer huge losses.
Another step is to find out which the best pickup trucks to buy at auction and how to check if the vehicle is in good condition for the auction and circulation on public roads.
For that, be sure to check out our other articles on truck auctions.
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