CNH Free, see how to apply

Published by m2noticias on


Brazil has the eighth most expensive driver's license in the world, according to research carried out by the British Zuto Car Finance, which collected data and driving test laws in all 193 countries in the world. According to research data, the cost to obtain a CNH in Brazil is on average in the range of R$ 1,500. (link)

Due to the high cost of obtaining a Driver's License - CNH in Brazil, the release of the free CNH opportunity is always expected. This is what happens right now, where you are registrations open for no less than 8 thousand free wallets.

5 thousand open positions

Low-income people who want to get CNH-National Driver's License will be able to enroll in the Social Habilitation Program, which will offer a limit of five thousand vacancies to issue the document. The measure is an initiative already approved by the Federal District Traffic Department (Detran – DF).


Registration opened this week. The period will end in 30 days, via the DMV agency's website. After the end of the registration period, a selection of participants will be made for acquisition. According to Detran-SP, it will be analyzed which category the applicant fits into and whether it is Qualified Citizen or Qualified Student.

The Social Habilitation Program (PHS) is composed of two categories. The first was named Qualified Citizen, and the second Qualified Student. Of the total of five thousand vacancies offered, 60% are destined for the project that includes students and another 40% of the vacancies are aimed at the general population.

Division of modalities and number of vacancies:

  • First CNH in category “A” or “B” – 40%;
  • Addition of categories A or B – 20%;
  • Change for categories C, D or E – 20%;
  • Renewal of CNH – 10%;
  • Definitive CNH – 10%.

Brazilians who wish to enroll in the program must be aware of the requirements. Each category has different requirements to be fulfilled in the application.


In the Qualified Citizen-CH category, you can register beneficiaries of social programs and people with disabilities (PcD). In this case, candidates must be over 25 years old and be registered in the Single Registry.

Check the requirements:

  • Know how to read and write
  • Live in the Federal District for at least 2 years
  • Have not suffered any penalty resulting from traffic violations of a medium, serious or extremely serious nature, in the last 12 months prior to enrollment
  • Have CPF and RG
  • Be over 18 years old
  • Be enrolled in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government
  • In the Qualified Student category, the candidate must be over 18 years old, have participated in the National Teaching Examination
  • Secondary School (Enem) and having studied all of high school in public schools or as a scholarship holder in private units.

Check the rules:

  • Not having suffered penalties arising from traffic violations of a medium, serious or very serious nature, in the period corresponding to the 12 months prior to enrollment in the program
  • be criminally liable
  • Not be legally prevented from having a driver's license
  • Have CPF and RG
  • Be between 18 and 2×5 years old
  • Be enrolled in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government
  • Be enrolled in the National High School Examination (Enem) or have participated in it in the year prior to enrolling in the program
  • Be attending or have completed 3 years of high school in a public school or as a full scholarship holder in private institutions, which must be proven by a certificate or statement issued by an institution accredited by the Ministry of Education (MEC)






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