App to track your order by cell phone

Published by Carolina on


Today, we're going to show you the best app to track your order on your cell phone, where you'll be able to follow all the delivery stages of your product.

If you've ever had the experience of buying something online, you certainly know how anxious it is to wait for your purchase to arrive.

So, to alleviate such anxiety, it is recommended that you track your order using secure apps, which can update your package information daily.


Many people currently prefer to shop online, as everyday tasks make it difficult to go to a physical store.

So, to buy something online and be more secure in the delivery of the order, it is ideal to have a purchase tracking app.

If you are thinking about buying online or if you have already purchased and are waiting for your order, you should start using the tracking app on your cell phone now, following all the delivery steps.


Through a single application, you will be able to view the whereabouts of your order to its destination.

Discover one of the best apps to track your order below.

Muambator: Package Tracking

Now it's much simpler to be able to track online shopping orders through your cell phone.


In the Muambator app, the user only needs to add the tracking code for their product and see where it is.

Thus, whenever there is any movement of the order, the application will send the user a notification, informing the user from purchase to delivery.

Through the Muambator application, it is possible to add data about an order, such as the name of the product and the name of the store where the purchase was made.

When the app recognizes the purchase code, the information will start to be added automatically in the app.

The user will be able to view the delivery stages of the order through a map, viewing, for example, when the product is in one of the Correios distribution centers.


The app also allows the user to add the tracked item to a specific category, which must be defined by the user when registering the order in the application.

This added item can be edited or deleted from the app at any time, according to the user's wish.

The app has many options for notifications, being able to alert the user through their email, Twitter and their own cell phone.

Using this app, users will be up to date on all delivery steps, seeing the entire process until they receive their purchase.

The advantage of this application is that, in addition to providing all these features and providing security in delivery, it is completely free.

The app is ideal for those who shop online and receive such orders through the Post Office.

It also allows more organization of tracked products, being able to add images, tags and data.

It also has a simple and intuitive interface, being easy to use even for users who don't have much experience in this type of app.

The Muambator: Package Trace application can be found on operating systems android It is iOS.

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