Gold and metal detector app

Published by Carolina on


Gold and metal detector equipment can be expensive, so apps have been developed that are capable of turning your cell phone into detectors.

With the development of technology, these applications have excellent performance and can be used professionally, finding various objects of value.

Today, we will talk more about these metal and gold detector apps and we'll introduce you to two great apps. Check out.


Metal and gold detector apps

Applications that detect gold and metal currently on the market are able to find various objects, such as coins and jewelry.

As a standard, following the traditional operation of detector equipment, with these apps find a metallic or gold object, it beeps.

See too:

It is possible to find, in the app stores, several apps that propose the detection of objects. Today, we separate two of the best for you. Check below:


metal and gold detector

As the first app, we brought you the Metal and Gold Detector app which, of course, detects both gold and metal and is among the top rated from the app stores.

It is ideal for capturing these objects both indoors, when an object is lost, and outdoors, being able to hunt for treasures, such as in the sand on the beach, where people tend to lose a lot of things.

It works by measuring the value of the object's magnetic field, which is shown to the user in ?T (microtesla).


The moment the object is located in the device's scanning field, the object's field value increases, which indicates its presence, and then a sleep signal is emitted.

The Metal and Gold Detector application is free and can be found in the system android.

metal detector pro

Now, as the second and last application, we bring Metal Detector Pro, which, by the name, shows that it only detects metal, and is very professionally used as well.

This application performs a GPS mapping, which shows the user the places he has already been, something extremely useful in terrain that is difficult to mark, such as sand. With this feature, it also shows the locations where the most valuables were found.

In its settings, the user can better direct his searches, choosing the type of detection he wants to make.


this app it's paid, however its value is not so high, being only R$ 6.99. The Metal Detector Pro application can be found for download on the system android.

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