Apps to measure blood pressure by cell phone

Published by Carolina on


Taking care of blood pressure is essential for good and balanced health. Especially for older people, the be careful with the pressure must be constant, thus avoiding vascular accidents.,

But, with the routine of work and home care, sometimes it becomes more difficult to have a device in hand to carry out the measurement periodically, especially for people who do not have it at home and depend on a health center or pharmacy for to check.

Importance of measuring blood pressure

The change in blood pressure can be indicative of some diseases and vascular accidents about to occur, among other things.


Low or high blood pressure causes problems for the people in whom it occurs, and the quest to measure pressure is essential to stay healthy and know the next steps to follow in case of illness.

For people who do not have pressure measuring devices or at a certain time do not have access to the measurement, they can resort to cell phone applications that promise to help in this regard.

Today we bring 3 mobile applications capable of measure blood pressure. Check out:


1- AMPA (Self-Measurement of Blood Pressure)

Our first application was developed by Brazilian cardiologists from different parts of the country. The idea was to warn the population about blood pressure control, with hypertension being the cause of many deaths per year.

The application is efficient to assist the user in blood pressure control. With it, the patient can enter his blood pressure at the moment and send it to the doctor for evaluation.

The app is considered one of the most effective ways to assist physicians in the diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic control of high blood pressure, even outside the office.


The app should be used in the following situations:

  • Before the consultation (online or in person);
  • As an assessment of response to antihypertensive treatment;
  • To increase patient adherence to treatment;
  • In order to pay attention to values greater than 130/85 mmHg, which, according to AMPA, must be considered altered;

The app is available for android It is iOS.

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2- Blood Pressure More Health

With the application Blood Pressure More Health, the user is able to measure your blood pressure easily and simply, tracking your daily heart rate.

With a control throughout the week, it will be easier to maintain stable health and still collect important information, in case of alterations, to be later presented to the doctor.

The app even has sticky notes, to help the user remember to measure blood pressure regularly, also bringing weekly and daily activities to help with health.


The user will be able to compare his blood pressure between hours, days and weeks, which will help the physician to build a clinical picture.

This app is available for iOS.

3- Blood Pressure – SmartBP

The Arterial Pressure – SmartBP application is a blood pressure manager that allows you to record, monitor, analyze and share information through technological devices such as cell phones and Apple Watch. The App also connects with Apple HealthKit.

With the application's information, the user will be able to have greater control of your health and share the data with the doctor.

The app can track the progress of high or low blood pressure, and still manage all pressure measurements.

As main features of the app, we have:

  • Record systolic and diastolic blood pressure, pulse and weight;
  • Quickly add notes (example: before dinner) and details (example: sitting, left arm) about your measurements using tags.
  • Store and access all your blood pressure measurements anywhere, anytime using Apple HealthKit;
  • Share your blood pressure information with your doctor, healthcare professional, or family members using email, text message, and Apple HealthKit;
  • Analyze the progress you are making through intuitive graphs and statistics (including mean and variability for a period);
  • Back up your health data and access it on all your mobile devices with SmartBP Cloud;
  • Set reminders for managing your blood pressure, such as “Take blood pressure” or “Take medicine”;
  • Between others.

The application is available for the system android It is iOS.

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