Mental Health Apps

Published by Carolina on


Self-knowledge is a valuable tool for everyone.

Helping us deal with emotional challenges, understand our reactions and build resilience.

Mental health apps have become allies on this journey.


Providing resources to better understand our emotions and develop healthy habits.

Today's four applications offer different approaches.

To support individuals in their search for emotional balance and self-knowledge.


Let's explore each of these applications analytically.

To help you choose which one can best suit your needs.

Happify: Gamification of Wellbeing

Happify employs gamification principles.


To help users engage in activities that improve emotional well-being.

Using positive psychology techniques and cognitive behavioral therapy.

It offers interactive activities such as games and challenges that address stress and anxiety.

The playful approach motivates users to complete activities to earn points.

Encouraging positive habits.


The Happify app can be downloaded at android It is iOS.

Daylio: Digital Humor Diary

Daylio works like a mood diary, recording daily emotions and activities.

By analyzing records, users can identify patterns that influence mood.

Facilitating the identifying triggers and understanding your feelings.

Daily reminders encourage continued use.

And the reports provide valuable insights for behavioral changes.

The Daylio app can be downloaded at android It is iOS.

Cingulo: Digital Psychotherapy

Cíngulo, developed in Brazil, provides psychotherapy tools based on psychology and neuroscience.

It offers sessions to address trauma, anxiety and self-knowledge.

In addition to a series of techniques for managing emotions.

The interface is intuitive and sessions can be personalized according to each person's needs.

The Cíngulo app can be downloaded at android It is iOS.

Rootd: Anxiety and Panic Control

Rootd is designed to directly address anxiety and panic attacks.

It offers guided breathing techniques and calming exercises to provide immediate relief.

O “panic button” it is a unique resource.

Offering calming audio and guidance for extreme situations.

This practical approach is ideal for anyone experiencing episodes of anxiety.

The Rootd app can be downloaded from android It is iOS.


Those mental health appsl offer diverse approaches.

Making it possible to find a suitable solution for different needs.

Happify gamifies the process of improving well-being.

While Daylio is ideal for those who want to track and understand emotional patterns.

Cíngulo offers customizable psychotherapy sessions.

And Rootd is a practical tool for dealing with anxiety.

Try these apps and find out which one best meets your emotional needs.

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