Mobile apps to treat back pain

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back problems are one of the most common physical weakness. Nowadays, the back pain it is the most common cause of incapacity for work. Get to know the cell phone apps to take care of back pain.

Most people are afraid of physical activity when you feel back pain, but lowering the activity level prolongs or even worsens the condition. To fix this issue, we have brought you some perfect and handy tips.

Check it out below mobile apps to treat back pain.


Application to treat back pain

To indicate a tool that would help people to deal with this condition without the need for health professionals, a team was led to create a application what they called selfBACK.

The plan aims to teach more people how to better deal with back pain, which can bring huge savings to people's working lives and health systems.

Stretching exercises is a application for phones android It is iphone (iOS) that helps people stretch, warm up and finally relax after exercises.


You can do regular stretches throughout the body or focus on relieving pain and relaxing limbs, such as spine and lumbar region.

You can decide weekly goals and customize the exercise and the programming of each activity.

Most features are free of charge, but some plans training require a subscription with the approximate value of R$70.00.

Extra tips for treating back pain



A formal medical profession, the technique of acupuncture is considered even for chronic back discomfort.

“It helps the body release endorphins (a natural substance that fight the pain), relaxes the muscles and relieves tension for patients,” said Funes, who is also an acupuncture specialist at the AMB (Brazilian Medical Association).

You can usually see a big improvement by the fifth session.


The basis of this technique is the belief that all systems in the body are connected and need to work in balance. “We try to understand the clinical history and the each person's pain.

But we will also do postural assessments, physical tests and mobility; until we make a very personalized final diagnosis”, explains Samira Poliseli, physiotherapist at the Madrid Tao Orthopedic School, in São Paulo. Treatment consists of rearranging the body structure by means of manual intervention. “The objective is not only to eliminate pain at the site, but to exterminate the cause of pain. The results can be shown in the first meeting.”


osteopathy therapy it has no contraindications and is recommended for acute and chronic discomforts.



If the doctor authorizes it, various techniques provided by spas and clinics can certainly relieve! Andréa Torres, physiotherapist at W Spa in Rio de Janeiro, explains: “A massage relaxes the back muscles, and the movement of the hands stimulates blood circulation in the region, thus increasing recovery in case of injury.”

Good with therapist The preview will help you use it correctly. “Some types of pain benefit from a pressure larger, while others require a lighter touch. It should be a massage, not torture.”

For example, techniques using heated stones or cooled gel are also worth looking into. “Heat is relaxation, cold is analgesic”, added Torres.


We can't always spend our time, with apps of entertainment and fun, such as, for example, app to put a beard on people, apps to make a friend bald or famous aging app. Sometimes we have to take care of our health.

For adults information, just download the application in "Exercises for Back Painat your store cell phone.

We mentioned that the application has the objective of easing your pain, it is very important that for the complete treatment of muscle aches, you should see a doctor or physical educator.


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