How to use an app to remove viruses from your cell phone

Published by Carolina on


Check it out now, a complete tutorial that teaches you how to use a mobile virus removal app.

Having cell phone security for the protection of personal data is very important.

Even more so that online doors are easily opened for viruses, as in downloads and pages.


Therefore, keep a antivirus app installed on the cell phone is the best solution.

And today, we're going to show you a tutorial how to use an app that removes viruses from devices.

Check out how to use the Avast Antivirus app.


Avast Antivirus App

Let's start now by downloading the Avast Antivirus app.

You can download these applications through the systems android It is iOS.

Entering the app

After the download is finished, open the app and go to “Get Started”.


So to have free access to the app, tap on the “Continue” option.

Close the options to purchase the paid plan and go to “Continue for free”.


In this first step, the application will help you with your first scan.

Then, go to “Start Scanning”.

Then give access permission to the application.


Then it will start the Smart scan.

Wait for the scan to finish, which may take a few minutes.

Scan result

After scanning, the problems found, if any, will be displayed.

So, you should go to the “Solve” option, under Important Problems.

For Advanced Issues to be resolved, you must have the app's paid plan.

So, after going to Solve, the app will ask to activate the Internet module.

Activating the Internet Module

When the user clicks to activate the tool, he can open the settings.

To the activation, follow the steps below:

  • Tap “Open Settings”;
  • Now, going to the Accessibility settings, go to Installed Applications or Services;
  • Then select Avast Mobile Security.
  • Finally, give the necessary permission.

Disabling battery optimization

Then the app will ask you to disable battery optimization.

Such optimization may prevent the application from working.

So, to make the deactivation, follow the steps below:

  • Open, first, the mobile settings;
  • Then, select the Avast Mobile Security app by going to installed apps;
  • Now, tap on battery optimization settings;
  • Finally, disable optimization.

On some cell phones, a dialog box may appear to authorize the deactivation.

Hacker Alert

Going to the Residential menu, through the Hacker Alert option, you can detect danger in online accounts.

For that, it is necessary link an email address.

If there are compromised accounts, you can start monitoring them.

clear trash

Using the Clean Garbage tool, a scan will be made of the junk mail.

Thus, the app will show the files that can be cleaned.

Other Functions

Also in this menu, you can check the internet speed.

The app menus are: Residential, Explore, Message and Account.

Among the menu options are:

  • Statistics;
  • Settings;
  • app blocker;
  • Performance center;
  • Problem messages encountered;
  • Support help;
  • And many others.


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