How to use app to measure blood pressure

Published by Carolina on


Check below how to use app to measure blood pressure on your cell phone.

It is essential that a person with hypertension monitor your blood pressure daily.

And the use of apps can help a lot in this control.


However, we know that not everyone knows how to use a pressure app.

So we decided to present a full tutorial to help with that.

So, see below how to use a blood pressure app.


Blood Pressure Diary App

See below how to use the Blood Pressure Diary app.

To make it easier, we have divided the explanations into sections:

  • Add Menu

Through the Add menu, record blood pressure measurements taken.


Then, select values from the following pressures:

  • Systolic – highest number;
  • Diastolic – lowest number.

Also select the pulse measurement value.

Also choose the time and day you took the measurement.

Tag the record for easy reference later.

See by the colored bar at the top of the screen which types of blood pressure their values match.


And look at the table at the bottom of the screen for the pressure ratings.

  • History Menu

Going to the History menu, see the records made from the measurements.

To search for a record, use the tags or a pressure rating, which can be:

  • Stage 1;
  • Stage 2;
  • Pre;
  • Normal;
  • Hypo.

If you want to view measurements for a specific day, use the calendar icon.

  • Statistics Menu

In the Statistics menu, see a graphic which displays all the measurements that have been recorded.

You can view logs by week, month, or all.

On the chart you will find:

  • Systolic pressure measurements (red line);
  • Diastolic pressure measurements (green line);
  • Pulse records (dotted blue line).

Another graph is shown below, being a bar graph.

It shows how many times a pressure rating was recorded, showing in percentage.

  • Settings Menu

Through the Settings menu, export your records and access other options.

Going to the first session, Export, the first option allows share the data with your doctor.

In the second option, backup data to Google Drive.

In the second session, in the first option, you can contact the app developers.

In the Rate option, you can rate the application, giving up to five stars.

Going to Socorro, you will be able to see the instructions for use.

And in Our Apps, you'll find more apps created by Health & Fitness AI Lab.

The Blood Pressure Diary application can be downloaded onto the system android.


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