Apps to measure objects and places

Published by Carolina on


Get to know the apps to measure objects and places using your own cell phone, making measurements easier, in addition to being very accurate.

If you are looking for a method or tool to measure places and objects in a more practical way, the pps that we are going to show you today will be perfect for you.

Due to the technological advances of recent years, the market currently has several types of apps that can measure things on the cell phone.


In general, the apps are able to access the device's camera and sensor to have an assertive measurement, being able to easily recognize shapes and sizes.

So, the first app that we present today is Measure, which can be found at android.

This app uses the cell phone camera to capture photos of locations and objects, helping with measurement.


It can also access the device's sensor to check sizes and shapes.

Through Augmented Reality (AR), the application can show the user all the measurements made in 3D format.

It saves the measurements so that they can be checked whenever the user wants.


As a second application, we present Régua, available for the system android.

This application, like the previous one, can access the device's camera to detect the edges of objects and locations, and access the sense to perform size calculations.

It has the added features of a ruler, which checks length, and a protractor, which measures angles.

The app stores the measurements taken and allows them to be accessed later.

And our last app for today is AirMeasure, which can be found at android It is iOS.


It also uses Augmented Reality to more accurately measure the sizes and shapes of locations and objects.

It accesses the cell phone's camera to detect the edges of items, and uses the sensor to make the necessary calculations.

It also features the added ruler and protractor features, and saves measurements taken for future reference.

So, you just checked which are the best applications that we have in the current market to measure objects and places using the cell phone.

They are very accurate in measurements, making it easier to measure things from anywhere and at any time.

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