Pregnancy test and fertility period apps

Published by Carolina on


Many applications available in the market bring the proposal of pregnancy tests it's from fertility period identification for women.

Today, we will present these apps and we'll talk more about their technologies. Check it out below.

fertility apps

Currently, the applications of the identification segment of the fertility period, are the most found on the market, because they are easier to develop.


Apps that identify a woman's fertile period use different methods and are quite assertive in their analyzes and guidelines.

The app which is most popular and top ranked among the apps in this segment is the app Clue, which allows the user to record their energy levels, their moods and their symptoms, guiding them and identifying their ovulation period.

As a secondary feature, the Clue app brings information about fertility as well as contraceptive methods.


See too:

As the second best ranked app in this segment in the app stores, we have the app ovia, which presents a fertile period tracking of the user, through the evaluation of the basal body temperature and changes in the cervical mucus.

And as a secondary resource, the Ovia application brings a community, where these women can communicate and exchange stickers.

pregnancy test apps

This applications segment, with the technology available today, presents applications with quite precision in your results. However, we do not claim here that these applications replace laboratory tests, which are still the most reliable and safe methods, but applications can help in the first orientation.


These applications, using technology, promise to present a result (positive or negative) in just a few minutes). Among the applications in this segment, the ones that stand out the most are:

Pregnancy test;

Pink Pad;


More technological pregnancy test apps

This category of pregnancy tests is undoubtedly more technological, because these apps measure hCG levels (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone) in the urine. When this hormone appears in a woman's urine, it indicates that she is pregnant, so these apps offer greater efficiency and accuracy.


The apps that stand out the most in this segment are:

It is important to note that no application mentioned in this article replaces, in any way, laboratory tests and the medical follow-upO. The apps serve as a first orientation and monitoring of women's health, in the case of those that follow the woman's cycle.

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